Meet my mate

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Chapter 2

The man with the glasses carried me to a large doubledoor, it was brown and had amazing patterns on it.

The man holding me knocked on the door only to hear a muffled come in. He opened the door and all I saw was a large window that showed the forest. The room itself was a really large office with books, and chairs. There was a couch and a desk, and behind the desk was a man. For what I could see he was muscular and had a sharp jawline, he was wearing a black and white suit. But I couldn't see his face cause he was turned away from me.

So me being the curious kitty I am I jumped down and off of the man hands and ran in front of the man behind the desk to get a look at his face. When I got in front of his I was surprised at what I saw.

He has to be god, I say in my head.

I meow to get his attention since he was on the phone. He looked down at me and his eyes widened.

"I'll call you back later." He said into the phone and hung up and put his phone on the desk.

He bent down and picked me up, and when he touched me I felt the most amazing thing, sparks.

He set me down on the desk but he still had his hand on my face.

"Where did you find her?" The man in front of me asked the guy with the glasses.

"She was in a tree in our territory alpha" glasses man said.

The man in front of me nod his head still keeping his eyes on me, his gorgeous blue eyes with green inside.

"Jake bring her Naomi's clothes." The alpha said and Jake left.

"My name is Derek" he smiled and set me on the ground.

"Shift" He then said and say in his seat. I then shifted only to realize that I was naked so I crouched down and covered myself. I look up at Derek only to see him staring at me with lust in his eyes.

"Alpha I got the cloth- oh shit!!" Jake yelled when he saw me. Derek growled and grabbed the clothes and pushed Jake out of the room and locked the doors.

"Here, I'll turn around" he said and handed me the clothes and turned around.

I put on the oversized white hoodie and the black ripped jeans. After I put the clothes on I ask him to turn around.

"What's your Name mate?" He said with a husky voice.

"Emma king" I say while rubbing my arm, "Emma... whats a beautiful name" he winked and smiled. "Thank you Derek" I say also smiling.

"Let's go get you something to eat" he said and grabbed my hand making our way out of the office. We reached the kitchen and it was beautiful, there was red and white I loved it. There was also a gorgeous woman stand near the stove and it looked like she was cooking.

"Naomi" my mate says, and the women turns around she looks my age. She looks at Derek and then to me and smile.

"Oh hello" she says in a sweet voice while smiling and put out her hand for me to shake.

I shake her hand and say "hello I'm Emma" "I'm Naomi nice to meet you" she says while shaking my hand.

"Naomi this is my mate, mate this is my sister" he said while pointing to me and her, and we both smiled at each other.

We were having a good time until I heard a high pitched voice say.

"Baby who is she??!"

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I'll update soon and not like this time where it took a long time for me to update

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I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I'll update soon and not like this time where it took a long time for me to update. I went through a break up cause he cheated but you know😊we love a broken sister right!

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