The Alpha's Ex

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Derek's p.o.v

Both me and my mate looked at the door way when non other then my ex, Julie. Julie is Annabelle's sister, speaking of Annabelle I need to introduce her to Emma.

"Baby? Are you cheating on me" Julie asked looking heartbroken, yet I could see right through her.

"How would I be cheating on you if we are dating?" I said with a blank face.

"What are you talking about! Just tell me who she is!" She said stomping one foot on the ground with her arms by her side hands clenched. I bend down go get to Emma's height and lay my head on her shoulder, and said.

"This is my mate."

Julie's face turned red and it looked like she was about to explode.

"HOW DARE YOU TAKE HIM AWAY FROM ME YOU PATHETIC PIECE OF SHIT!!!" She screams at Emma, and charged at her.

Emma's p.o.v

The woman in front of me and Derek charged at me and was about to claw me when in a flash my mate had her against the wall with his hand wrapped around her neck.

"Don't you ever disrespect your Luna like that. Do. You. Understand. Me" he growled and continued to hold her by the neck.

"Yes Alpha." The woman cried. Derek let her go and she ran away, then he turned to me and pulled me into him with his head in my neck. I could hear him breath in my scent and slowly calm down, then he kissed my neck right were my sweet spot was making me moan is pleasure.

"Umm I'm going to go, make sure you guys get a bedroom before you do... the you know" Naomi nervously laughed and walked out of the kitchen.

I got out of Derek's embrace and blushed when I saw his lust filled eyes.

"Derek?" I said and it looked like he snapped out of whatever trance he was in.

"My mate has such a beautiful voice" he says and when I giggle he smiles.

"Now then time for you get eat" he says and picked me up and places me on the stool near the island. He goes and sees what Naomi has made and gets a bowl and spoon. Then he get me whatever that was in the pot and puts it in the bowl, then he turned around and gives it to me and then make himself some.

"Eat up little one" he says and digs in, me Doing the Same.

"Who was she?" I ask him after a little while and he looks up at me.

"She was my ex" he says

"Do you mind me asking what happened between the two of you?" I says a little hesitant.

"All she wanted was fame, with me being the most feared and powerful Alpha out there she wanted to be with me because many people thought she was my Luna. And then when she cheated on my with my Enemy, the second most feared Alpha. She got the title 'The Alpha's Ex'." He said not breaking eye contact with me.

"Wow... what a bitch" I said with wide eyes. He looked at my shocked by my cuss word, then he started laughing.

Heck I even giggled to.

Sorry for taking so long to update again... anyways I hope really liked this chapter cause I don't think that it's my best work but then again it my first book. Anyways I hope you guys had a great Christmas, and I hope that you'll have a great new year!

Man almost 2019... I really hope that this year would be better then 2018.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2018 ⏰

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