Clint's House Pt. 4

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First of all, sorry for any grammar errors. AUTOCORRECT

Vision's POV
We're leaving today. I'm quite glad, actually. Maybe I should've kissed Wanda, there's no way to tell but I do know that everything comes with consequences. Some are good and some are bad but, I can't risk it. She's my closest friend, and maybe these feeling are strong but I should be stronger. I don't know if I am, though. I just know I don't want to lose her, I care about her too much.

"So, that's everything right?" Clint asked. I nodded. "Yeah that's umm- that's everything" Wanda said. The ride back was, I guess maybe, awkward. It was silent and she seemed to want to say something but never did. We would sometimes look at each other from the corner of our eyes but it was always quick, making sure the other one didn't notice. At some point she feel asleep on my shoulder. She tried to lean backwards but when she feel asleep, her head dropped. I didn't want to move it, I didn't.

A few hours later
She woke up and looked at me. I could tell she was blushing, even though she turned away and got out quickly. "I'll see you guys.. someday. I need to get back home" Clint said. We said goodbye and thanked him for letting us stay. He thanked us for going. Wanda and I walked towards the door and then to the elevator. It was also very silent, I'm not quite sure why she walked with me, but she did. When we arrived to our rooms she spoke. "Umm- can we talk Vis?" She asked, fidgeting a little with her magic but her eyes were on me. "Of course" I said and walked to her room.

Wanda's POV
If Clint is right, then I need to do something. And I don't want it to be awkward forever, even if he doesn't feel the same way, we'll be fine, with time. "Is everything alright?" He asked. I don't get how he's so British and isn't even British. "Umm- uhhhhhhh- Okay" I said. This is going great. "Okay, what- what happened? In Clint's house" I asked. He looked down a little, thinking maybe. "I d- I don't- I don't know exactly" he said. It's not that I know him, he's definitely a bad liar. I gave him a look. "We were about to kiss and you moved, why?" I asked. This is killing me inside. I don't know how to do these things. He looked at me. "I don't want to risk losing our friendship" he said. I get it, I felt it too for a while. "But what if it does work out?" I Asked shyly, sort of. He just looked at me and I looked at him too. I got closer, not sure about what was going on. He got closer to and we just stopped for a second when were close enough. I put one hand on his cheek and the other one bellow his shoulder as I pulled him close and kissed him. He returned the kiss and put his hands on my arms, close to my shoulders as I moved my hand to grasp his wrists. I pulled away to breathe and looked at the ground smiling. He was smiling a little too. I buried my face on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head.

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