Jealous Pt.2

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Wanda's POV

I woke up early-as promised to Nat- to get to training where I found two people were standing. A guy and a girl. The woman was blonde with icy blue eyes and the man had brown hair and hazel eyes. Both of them were tall and wearing suits. They looked like they were about to give job interviews. After everyone got there they introduced themselves. "Hello, I'm Agent Green," the guy said, "and my partner here is Agent Adams." "Hey," Agent Adams said while waiving at us. This looked somewhat like a school presentation. Like when they invite adults over to tell you that they have jobs and work. "So, were just gonna hang out here for a week to make sure everything's... on track," he said looking at Steve and Tony. "So, yeah, great. Let's get to work," he said looking at Nat in the eyes. He's probably intimidated by her. I mean, who isn't?

We worked for about 3 hours (1h more than usual). The agents kept writing stuff on their phones, like they were evaluating us... which they probably were.

"Great, that'll be enough for today. Get some rest. Well call you if we get a mission," Steve said. He looked back at the Agents for approval. They didn't care.

1h Later (Am I the only one who read it in a SpongeBod voice)

Vision's POV
I was walking to the library when I saw Agent Adams eating. "Hey," She said. I smiled at walked towards her. "Hi." "Vision, right? You did good today," Adams said as she ate an apple. "Thank you, Agent," I said. "Ellie," she said. "...That's my, um, name." I smiled at her again. "So, what's that stuff your made of?" Ellie asked. "Vibranium. It's supposedly the strongest metal on Earth but  I'm not quite sure we really know that," I say. I normally ramble when I get exited about a subject. Science being the main one. "There are a lot of things we don't know about Earth yet, which is weird to me because people tend to try to learn more about space than Earth even though we live on Earth so it'd clearly make more sense to lean about this planet. Sorry, I speak too much when I get exited," I say. "You know, you seem really tough but you're really sweet. I don't know, you remind me of a cinnamon roll. It's weird," she said. Weirdly, I've been told that by Peter too. "Anyway, you should probably get back to whatever you were doing. It's was talking to you," Ellie said smiling. "Likewise," I said. I smiled and left.

I know I haven't really gotten to the plot and stuff but I think I'll finish it in the next chapter

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