Chapter Four

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Between taping and interviewing the farmers in the various provinces asking them how the government could help build their businesses, Zuba had very little time to chit chat. She had bumped into her boss once while going to the bathroom and all she could say was, "Hey, I got your text and I'm still working on the pilot."

"Yes, and I'm counting on you to have something by the end of the month. Don't disappoint!"

"I never do boss," she added.

Mr. Gihu seemed preoccupied lately and Zuba was already having a hard time with her little project that didn't look like it would takeoff anytime soon. Nonetheless, she made time to speak with one of the BNetwork technicians about the equipment that they would need for the pilot project. It was as though she had everything ready and yet nothing at the same time for the show. She had to think fast and come up with a plan B. What mother would accept to appear on TV with her estranged daughter to work things out in such a conservative country? It appears it was much easier to let other people assume and gossip about one's family than it was to be the narrator of the story. On Friday she still had no clue what her proposal was going to look like other than the statistics and the research data she had gathered for the past couple of months. Butoyi and Zuba met up later that day for a couple of drinks at one of their favorite spots, the Kira Inyota Bar & Lounge downtown Bujumbura.

"Mabuja, how we doin' today?"

"I really need to find people to cast for this show."

"Why don't you try meeting up with Kwezi like I suggested many moons ago?"

"I don't know her! I am not just going to pop up at her house and bombard her with my stats and request."

"See, you might want to pay attention when I'm telling you things Zu"

"Oh f**ck off already B!"

"Why you gotta be a bitch all the time? Is it mother nature visiting?"

Zuba's grip on her glass was a hint she would pour her whiskey on Butoyi if he did not behave and stop trying her nerves.

"Aye, let's not act like we from the streets, there might be potential investors and partners in this bar."

"But you from the streets though B, so if anything, it'd be freeing."

Judging by Butoyi's open mouth, he was about to drag the dissing further and stopped himself.

"Kwezi is THE Kezi we know from the banquets BNetwork holds every year"

Zuba thought for a minute and suddenly remembered, "Oh yeah, the one who was Mr. Nkomezi's plus one?"

"Yes, every year she is someone's plus one. She must be good at whatever she does."

"You know B I keep hoping that someday the holy spirit will cleanse your mind, body, and soul."

The evening went by so quick, Zuba had to leave early as her cramps were getting worse by the hour and she had not carried her painkillers in her purse. By 10pm, Zuba was already in bed watching the latest episode of HTGAWM when she thought about what Butoyi had told her earlier. There was still some hope after all. Zuba scrolled through her phone as she remembered saving Kwezi's number a few months ago when the two had met in the Women's restroom at one of the BNetwork's events. She remembered Kwezi loving her stud earrings while looking like a whole snack herself. If she could find her number, she would be able to call and perhaps ask if they could meet up for coffee. Unfortunately, she could not wrap her mind around what name she had save it under. The night was a great counsel, and in that moment, she could use some faith that things would work out eventually.

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