Chapter Eight - Finale

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The end of year was approaching fast, and it was a beautiful surprise that Bukuru was given a three-month Schengen Visa, so he could visit his family. The four friends celebrated at the beach as it was the highlight of 2018 as well as Kwezi who was still working on her relationship with her mother that looked promising. The night before Bukuru' s departure, Zuba and Kwezi showed up to help pack up the bags while Butoyi was stuck at work. Butoyi joined them later in the evening with Bukuru' s hotel reservation and his printed round-trip ticket. He also happened to have a working Belgium cellphone line which he gladly gave Bukuru. They drank lightly and talked for hours before they left for their respective homes.

On the day that Bukuru left, the three friends gathered in front of the airport to say their goodbyes.

"We laugh and play a lot but never in a million years could I have imagined that young people like yourselves could mean so much and become family to me. Together, you've been the highlight of 2018 to me and some of you have been that ever since I've known them." Bukuru said.

"I really do not need to cry. I just did my makeup sir." Kwezi commented as her mascara got messed up from tearing up.

They all laughed so Bukuru started hugging each one with words to last them until his return.

"Kwezi, I have only known you for a few months and I've noticed you got a big heart. Don't be afraid to love your mother. She's family. She will not harm you because you're much stronger than you were as a child, you've seen and lived enough to know how to protect yourself. Trust yourself." Kwezi could not stop herself from bawling like a child.

"Butoyi, we may all laugh at you and make fun of your dating life, but I've not met anyone who embodies love and loyalty like you do. You're truly a man of great honor. You have inspired me to fight for my family and seeing how you treat these two ladies and how you'd go above and beyond to keep them safe has taught me that as a man whether my ex-wife likes it or not, I must protect and provide for my family. They are my God-given responsibility." Bukuru tapped Butoyi on his shoulders then walked over to Zuba and held both her hands.

"You're going to miss your flight giving long a** talks. You're not dying, we'll see you next month in January." Zuba interrupted him.

"Shut up young lady and listen." Bukuru said.

"Now, you may not have noticed but you are the reason all four of us even came together and perhaps you can't see how powerful that is but ten years from now maybe you'll understand. Never stop trying until you get what your heart desires. Your mother loves you and I pray you get to hear it from her one day. Don't be scared of love, even the most unworthy of us have been loved at some point. It's a great feeling. As for what job you'll take on, listen to the little voice deep within you and be the woman that your younger self decided to live up for. That will be enough."

The two hugged so tight they were reminded that the plane was leaving soon.

The three friends drove back to Butoyi' s house for a couple of drinks and slept over because no one wanted to be alone that night. The weeks that followed Butoyi flew a few times to Kigali for work and Zuba spent a few evenings with Kwezi and her mother listening to their stories. Kwezi decided it was too early to have Christmas with her mother so the three of them had dinner at the new Pavillon Hotel on the mountains overlooking the beautiful city. They Facetimed Bukuru and his two sons; he looked happier and healthier than ever.

"What are you guys doing for New Year's Eve?" Zuba asked.

"Well, I'm sorry y'all but its been a tradition of mine to get it on on NYE, you know start the year fresh and mighty. A young man has caught my attention lately and he's the lucky winner." Kwezi replied?

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