3. Prince Goes Unrecognized

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Michael and Luke had spent hours in Luke's suite, asking each other random questions just to pass the time.

"Didn't you say you came here for normalcy?" Michael asked Luke as he plopped down on the bed.

"Yes. Why do you ask?" Luke asked.

"Because it's not normal to stay holed up in a hotel room all day for several days in a row." Michael responded.

"What else am I to do? Mother does not-"

"Doesn't." Michael interrupted.

"Right doesn't. Um. Mother doesn't want me to get any kind of publicity right now and I really do not-"


"Would you please stop doing that? There is nothing wrong with the way I speak." Luke said, trying to hold back his frustration.

"Sorry." Michael muttered.

"As I was previously trying to say," Luke said, glaring at Michael for about half a second, hoping he would interrupt him once again. "Mother does not want me to get any publicity and I really want to just do what she tells me to."

"So?" Michael said, raising his eyebrow a little.

"So I cannot leave the hotel room." Luke said and Michael grinned a little. "What are you making that face about? What is-"

"You don't have to be you. Just.. wear some sort of disguise. It's easy. Come on, it'll be fun."

"Oh, I do not-"

"Don't." Michael corrected Luke for what seemed like the hundredth time.

"Michael Gordon Clifford!" Luke shouted.

"And now I regret telling you my middle name." Michael said with a slight laugh.

"Well, you asked mine, so it was only fair that I get to know yours." Luke said and crossed his arms.


Hours later, Michael had finally convinced Luke to go out. The two had decided to go out to see a movie and have some dinner. Problem was, Luke did dress differently to throw people off guard, but Michael dressed like he usually does, so he got recognized, which led to paparazzi taking photos of Michael with Luke.

The two just hoped that the photos wouldn't get out there. Unfortunately for them, though, the photos did get out. And the next day, Luke was awoken by several messages and calls from his mom. He was in deep trouble.

"Turn on the news, Lucas." Luke's mother said through the phone, making Luke start to panic. He hung up the phone and quickly grabbed the tv remote before turning on the news, and there it was. A photo of him and Michael holding hands, enjoying their night out, while the person on the news continued talking about the fact that Michael had finally come out of hiding, and that he may as well have come out of the closet as well seeing as he had been caught holding hands with a man, and seemingly being on a date with a man. He was instantly filled with regret, and he wasn't even sure why.

Luke's phone started to ring again, but Luke was too engrossed in the tv to even glance at his phone. He just let it ring. Four different times. Then, suddenly, there was a banging at the door.

"In a minute." Luke muttered, not even loud enough for the person at the door to hear him.

The knocking continued and Luke sighed before standing up and walking over to the door to open it.

"We made a mistake." Michael said and Luke sighed a little.

"They think you're gay just because you were out with me, I know. I am so sorry." Luke said and Michael scoffed a little.

"That part's no mistake. I am gay." Michael responded.

"Oh. Are you upset because everybody knows now?" Luke said and Michael shook his head.

"No. I'm actually kinda relieved that people know now. That just makes it easier for me." Michael said.

"Then what is the mistake?" Luke asked.

"Everybody's trying to figure out who you are." Michael said and Luke sighed.

"Oh." Was all Luke could say.

"And at least one person is bound to figure it out completely. Someone is bound to know who you are."

"How is this your problem? I should be the one worrying about this." Luke said.

"Your mom hates me." Michael said and Luke cocked his head to the side a little, obviously confused.

"What? Why would my moth-"

"She found my number. Called me. She's pissed because I 'made you gay' and wants you to come home immediately. Apparently you're supposed to be marrying some girl named-"

"Arzaylea." Luke sighed. "We've been set to marry for quite some time."

"And yet you went on a date with me?"

"I did not have a choice." Luke said.

"I didn't force you to-"

"I do not have a choice about marrying Arzaylea. I can only marry another person.. a woman that is royal. She is a princess, and my parents and her parents have made the decision for us. That we are getting married in two months."

"So you're gonna marry her? Just like that?"

"I have to." Luke said with a slight frown.

"You don't love her, though, do you?" Michael asked.

"No, I do not."

"Then marry me instead." Michael said.

"What?!" Luke shouted.

"Well, you told me last night that you were starting to have feelings for me." Michael said. "And you also told me that you wished you could rebel against them just once."

"This is really soon. I mean, yes, I do have feelings for you, but, should we really-"

"If we both have feelings for each other, it shouldn't matter. We'd probably get married eventually anyway. Why not just do it sooner rather than later? And that can be your way of rebelling. Whatcha say?" Michael said and Luke let out a slight laugh of disbelief.

"I say we get married. In two months. Catch them completely off-guard." Luke said.

"But you're set to marry-"

"Arzaylea. In two months. You and I should get married that very day. At the place I am supposed to marry her. Someone will just have to keep her away and distracted."

"This plan is kinda insane. But I like it."

"Should we do it?"

"We should."

The Prince's Diaries: Love WinsWhere stories live. Discover now