4. First Fight(s)

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"Just hear me out, Luke." Michael said, watching Luke shove things into his suitcase.

"Why? I thought we were going to get married in two months." Luke said and angrily zipped his suitcase before turning to look at Michael, his hands on his hips. "And then you said that we should not get married in two months. What is there for you to say that I have not already heard?"

"You didn't let me finish. I was trying to say that we should get married sooner." Michael said and Luke froze in his tracks.


"Yeah. See, you had no reason to get so upset." Michael said and gently placed his hand on Luke's cheek. He looked closely into his pretty blue eyes and noticed that there were tears threatening to fall any minute. "Are you crying?"

"No," Luke blinked a few times and faked a smile. "Everything is okay. I was not about to cry."

"Awh, baby, you really got that upset over us not getting married in two months?" Michael said. "You didn't think I was gonna put it off until later, did you?"

"I thought you were saying that you did not want to get married at all." Luke admitted.

"No. I was saying we should get married sooner. I'm sorry I didn't make that clear." Michael said and Luke let out a little sigh.

"That is fine. But, I would like to know how soon you are thinking." Luke said and Michael grinned a bit.

"I was thinking maybe this weekend." Michael said and Luke's eyes widened.

"This weekend? That... that is really soon." Luke said and Michael nodded.

"Yeah. Listen, I gotta go on tour in a month. I can't just stop my tour to get married real quick and all. I gotta keep it going." Michael said. If looks could kill, Michael would be dead from Luke's glare.

"Are you aware of how selfish that sounds?" Luke said and Michael shook his head a bit.

"It's not selfish. I've gotta think of the fans. And that's what I'm doing. Thinking of the fans." Michael responded.

"And what about me?" Luke asked.

"What about you?" Michael questioned.

Luke sighed and grabbed his suitcase before walking to the hotel room door.

"Luke, wait." Michael called out. But, Luke ignored him. Michael ran after Luke and grabbed his arm to stop him. "Stop it. Just hear me out."

"I am getting very tired of hearing those words." Luke said.

"Just... okay, I know that sounded bad. But. I.. can we please just get married this weekend? It's not only because of the tour. I just really want to marry you as soon as possible."

Luke stood there and stared at Michael for a moment, thinking it over. The silence was almost overwhelming.

"C'mon, baby, we can go to Vegas, get hitched and party it up a little, then we can get back to normal life and it'll all be good."

"Hitched?" Luke said.


"We cannot just get back to 'normal life' after getting married, Michael. You have to go on tour and I have to go back to Greenerose. And do you know what I am going to have to deal with when I get back? Magazines talking about scandals. My mother and father scalding me for marrying a man. I might even be dethroned for this. I am going to have to deal with a lot for this, Michael. And I am going to have to do it alone." Luke said and Michael scoffed.

"I have to deal with that shit, too."

"Oh, really?" Luke said. He wasn't convinced that Michael had it quite as bad as he did.

"Yeah, are you kidding me?" Michael said. "I have to deal with the 'scandal' shit too."

"What about your parents? Are they going to hate you for marrying a man?" Luke asked.

"No, they don't care if-"

"Is your life as a rockstar going to come to an end because of it?"

"Not necessarily. My fans will still-"

"And will you be shunned?"

"Maybe by some people? I don't know." Michael was getting frustrated at this point. What was the deal with all the questions?

"Will you possibly be kicked out of your own home?"

"Look, Luke, I may not have it as bad, but you're never alone." Michael said.

"You will not be there. You will not have to deal with it. I will."

"Will you stop talking like that? It's won't! Geez. You're so-"

"Goodbye, Michael." Luke said. "I am going home."

"I'll be in Vegas if you change your mind. I'll send you the address of the chapel. Don't be a runaway groom. Don't leave me at the altar."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2019 ⏰

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