Lan Xi Chen is NOT okay

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Lan Xi Chen, if it needs saying anymore, is not a happy Gusu Lan camper. Even his boyfriend the tsundre Jiang Cheng can't get him out of his slump this time, because technically it's nothing to do with him. Xi Chen is out of control, more specifically the small part of his brain that wildly ships his baby bro Lan Wangji and the Yiling Patriach Wei Wu Xian. Jiang Cheng has a permanent headache since something happened in Lan Wangji's private library and Wei Wu Xian hasn't talked to him since, that headache is his clingy husband, and it isn't helping that every kind of enquiry about WangXian getting back together ends in Xi Chen being muted by Lan Wangji and ignored by Wei Wu Xian.

Lan Wangji was talking to Lan Sizhui, the eager young diciple asking the honourable second master of the gusu lan clan how one becomes such a master of cultivation. He noticed that most of his weapons as usual were loosely hung on ribbons, but Bichen, Wangji's beautiful and very powerful silver sword, was tied up in a magical formation with another black sword. "Second master, who's sword is black and red? Why is it tied up with Bichen?", he asked out of curiosity, playing Wangji, the guzheng absent mindedly. "Bichen has many uses, some very interesting, but my lewd cultivation partner has been using Bichen over my sword far too much. Suibian is simply being held hostage, for the reason that I don't like his use of Bichen and possibly Suibian, so he can't get it unless he agrees my sword is ultimately better.", Lan Wangji answered.

Poor little Lan Sizhui couldn't work out the problem his shifu had, so he went to ask clan leader Xi Chen, who could be helpful as long as the leader of Yunmeng Jiang wasn't there, when he was the other disciples told him the leader was too busy doing dual cultivation and not to disturb them.

Operation Fudanashi: Reunite Wei Wu Xian and Lan WangjiWhere stories live. Discover now