Operation fudanashi + mpreg 🐇

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Lan Xi Chen, if it needs saying anymore, is not a happy Gusu Lan camper. Even his boyfriend the tsundre Jiang Cheng can't get him out of his slump this time, because technically it's nothing to do with him. Xi Chen is out of control, more specifically the small part of his brain that wildly ships his baby bro Lan Wangji and the Yiling Patriach Wei Wu Xian. Jiang Cheng has a permanent headache since something happened in Lan Wangji's private library and Wei Wu Xian hasn't talked to him since, that headache is his clingy husband, and it isn't helping that every kind of enquiry about WangXian getting back together ends in Xi Chen being muted by Lan Wangji and ignored by Wei Wu Xian.

Lan Wangji was talking to Lan Sizhui, the eager young diciple asking the honourable second master of the gusu lan clan how one becomes such a master of cultivation. He noticed that most of his weapons as usual were loosely hung on ribbons, but Bichen, Wangji's beautiful and very powerful silver sword, was tied up in a magical formation with another black sword. "Second master, who's sword is black and red? Why is it tied up with Bichen?", he asked out of curiosity, playing Wangji, the guzheng absent mindedly. "Bichen has many uses, some very interesting, but my lewd cultivation partner has been using Bichen over my sword far too much. Suibian is  simply being held hostage, for the reason that I don't like his use of Bichen and possibly Suibian, so he can't get it unless he agrees my sword is ultimately better.", Lan Wangji answered.

Poor little Lan Sizhui couldn't work out the problem his usually very calm and quiet shifu had, so he went to ask clan leader Xi Chen, who could be helpful as long as the leader of Yunmeng Jiang wasn't there, especially working out second master Wangji's emotions, but when the other disciples told him the leader was too busy doing dual cultivation and not to disturb them, he obeyed. Little Sizhui believed them wholeheartedly and luckily when he did go along to the leaders house, Xi Chen was Yunmeng-Jiang-leader-Jiang-Chen-less, lounging on his bed just waiting to see the youngest disciple brighten his day, anything to take his mind off of his brothers very serious (not actually that serious, dramatic much Xi Chen?) relationship problem. "Shifu, second master Lan is confusing me. He is holding a sword called Subidian and Bichen hostage because his partner won't admit his sword is better, what does he mean?", Sizhui chirped innocently.

Lan Xi Chen spat out the mouthful of chrysanthemums tea he had been about to swallow, "He said what? My baby brother said that?", he shrieked in disbelief. Since when did he learn to speak so bluntly about his and Wei Wu Xian's faintly kinky sex life with an innocent young sprout like Lan Sizhui. Ever since he had accidentally walked in on them having sex in the Jingshi, his wild love life with the Yunmeng tsundre seemed so tame. Lan Wangji had tied up Wei Wu Xian using his forehead ribbon, and was giving the Yiling Patriach head while thrusting Bichen in his sweet behind for preparation, as Wei Wu Xian gave him head in the 69 position. His shy  younger brother Lan Zhan was a real man now, a terribly horny one to say the least, so this all sounded realistic when he thought hard. Sizhui was too young to hear of his father like shifu's horrible kink.

The leader ordered Wei Wu Xian to the Jingshi, where he had heard that his lil bro was comforting his sword amorously from one of the equally  perverse culyivators, while he sneaked to his observation post outside the Jingshi. Jiang Cheng could join him later, it was more important to see his WangXian ship continue sailing. He always swore what he did was not stalking, and it was not at all creepy to spy on his lil bro Wangji having sex or possibly not, he was making sure poor lil Wangji didn't suffer in every way, including his sex life. Uncle Qinren just learned to ignore his fudanashi antics now, as long as he did clan duties. The young disciples thought he simply had brotherly love for second master Lan, finding it cute, but a lot of Gusu people and Jiang Cheng knew he just had to see his WangXian otp together.

He remained in his yaoi hideout, nibbling snacks he had built up for such important times like that, and when he thought he heard Bichen being unsheathed and Wei Wu Xian's moans, it didn't take long to run away and let them have their private time. It would be spread around Gusu anyway, many older cultivators used their sexcapades as storytelling material, and why not enjoy his own sexcapade with the appearing Leader Jiang. The twin jades both featured in secret story time the next time Lan Qingren was out on business, the main characters of exaggerated erotica which was actually forbidden. The disciples told everyone how the second master teased unruly WeiWuXian into submission with his sword, pounding into his behind with the same strength he plucked his guzheng fighting feral zombies.

The way they described Wei WuXian and Lan Wangji's glorious sexual reunion pleased XiChen, but since then he had had another hairbrained idea, the perfect conclusion to WangXian was a baby WangXian! He let out a desperate wish to the yaoi gods to give Wangji a baby from Wei Wu Xian, his precious nephew born from the power of very gay love between his brother and his brothers cultivation partner.
Lan Xi Chen went on a long trip to inspect all the other clans a few weeks after operation WangXian, which may have taken longer than necessary because he met up with Jiang Cheng, got married in Yunmeng  and tagged on a longish honeymoon for the sake of going the whole hog. This may have taken nearly six  months, and he did not expect to be greeted by his brother and a round Wei WuXian, who had either swallowed a huge melon doing something stupid or he was having a baby. He didn't quite believe it was the alternative until the guy waddled to him as quickly as he could and put his hand under his robes, "Say hello to your nephew bro Xi Chen, he'll be seeing uncle Chen soon!", Wei Wu Xian announced with a huge, beaming smile. Jiang Cheng cracked a grin, "I knew you two would have so much sex one day you had a kid, and you never fail to disappoint me Wei Ying. Congratulations Wangji, may your kid be more like you than Wei Ying." Wei Wu Xian was confused as Lan Xi Chen fainted with a goofy smile, mumbling thanks to a god they hadn't heard of before.

The pregnant Wei Wu Xian that welcomed him back to the cloud recesses of Gusu, definitely stayed pregnant. He couldn't be as mischievous when he was carrying lil watermelon, and took up painting, instead plaguing the cloud recesses with paintings of all sorts. Lan Xi Chen remembered passing a doodled portrait of Lan Qingren with a long twirly beard, moustache and thick monobrow, it did make him burst out laughing, like when he found erotica of his bro and preggy partener in the kitchen of all places.

It wasn't long and the round ball of artistic talent disappeared for a few days from around the cloud recesses, and came back with a black haired bundle of blankets, completely like he was before Lan Xi Chen went to see the clans, get married and have a honeymoon, but that was a baby, and he was uncle Xi Chen to the child born out of the greatest love story ever to exist. Putting aside his fudanashi antics, he was glad his lil bro had a good life, since the thirteen years spent waiting for Wei Ying, his distance and unfeeling as the reincarnated Yiling patriarch and the years it took for old Wei Ying, not Mo Xuan Yu or the evil Yiling patriarch, to come back had been cruel. From playing inquiry on Wangji, in silence if the melodious voice of the guqin did not count as human contact, he now sat in the Jingshi surrounded by his mischievous cultivation partner Wei Ying, their adopted son Lan Sizhui and their biological son Lan Ying. He still played inquiry just as smoothly, but the guqin now held a more harmonious tune compared to the melodic one it previously held.

Operation Fudanashi: Reunite Wei Wu Xian and Lan WangjiWhere stories live. Discover now