Chapter 2-To The Doctor

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Jimin didn't know why he even agreed to go with this stranger but yet still here he was in the same car that put him in this mess in the first place. He didn't expect Mr. Heartless to open the door for him either. Maybe he should change his name to Mr. Not-So-Heartless instead.

He slid into the plush leather seat and had to bite back a moan at how good it felt.

Before he could say 'thanks', Mr. Heartless had already closed the door, walked around to his side and got in.

The drive was awkwardly silent. Jimin didn't know if he should say anything or not and it didn't look like the other guy wasn't going to say anything either hence the drive remained quiet until they reached the hospital.


The duo sat in a hospital room waiting for their assigned doctor to come. Jimin was staring out the window at the night sky while recalling the events of earlier. How was he supposed the ever want to walk through that alley again after what happened? Now he'd have to exit through to front entrance which was normally for the people who were out clubbing to go through.

Mr. Heartless sat opposite of him on a side chair doing whatever with his phone (he looked to be typing furiously at the moment). As soon as he shoved his phone back into his pocket, a woman clad in a white lab coat and red glasses knocked on the door before walking in.

"Goodnight gentlemen. Mr. Park?" She turned towards the bed where Jimin sat and he nodded his head. "You can call me Dr. Yeong, would you like to tell me what's the problem?" She offered the boy a kind smile.

"My hip is swollen really bad and the pain is spreading up my back and down my leg. I have to limp because it hurts to walk." Jimin shot Mr. Heartless a subtle glare hoping that the man was listening to all the pain that he had caused.

"Would you like to show me?" Jimin lifted his shirt, showing a very swollen and purple looking hip. "Oh my God! When did this happen?" Dr. Yeong gasped when she saw the boy's hip.

"Yesterday. Some asshole hit me with his car and didn't even ask if I was okay or apologize." Jimin said this in an acid tone because he knew that the culprit was staring straight at him.

"Be glad you didn't come later then. There are some bruises on your hip that could have become seriously infected. Do you do any activities, Mr. Park?" Jimin nodded and told the doctor that he was a dance major at Seoul Arts.

"Well then you'll have to rest for about two weeks while I prescribe some medicine to relieve the pain and swelling." If Jimin's eyes could fall out they'd have rolled away by now. Never could he fathom the prospect of not being able to dance.

"W-What? I can't! I have to create a choreography for my end of term mark! I can't possibly afford two weeks off!"

"Mr. Park what seems worse to you: two weeks rest to take pressure off your hip so it will heal faster; or no rest which could potentially affect your dancing all together? I think the choice is pretty clear. Don't worry, I'll write an official doctor's letter to be sent to the school to excuse you from all physical activity until you get better." Jimin was on the verge of crying and it was all Mr. Heartless Stranger's fault.

Dr. Yeong prescribed Jimin some creams and pills to take everyday and rub on his hip. Mr. Heartless payed for it all and it was through this that Jimin learned the man's name-well, the sir name at least: Mr. Jeon.

When they got back into the car Jimin couldn't help the lone tear that fell as he muttered an 'I hate you' to Mr. Jeon's direction. He wiped the tear away and held onto the seat belt tightly trying to stop more tears from falling.

Not being able to dance was one of the most horrific things that Jimin could ever imagine and yet it's happening to right now. How was he supposed to survive for two whole weeks?

Jimin didn't miss the way that Mr. Jeon clenched his jaw. He knew he was making the man upset and so he decided to egg him on.

"This is all your fault." He said again with more spite this time around.

"God-damn-it! If it's my fault what do you want me to do huh? You're the one in the middle of the fucking road when the light was green!" The man finally snapped.

"When I crossed the light was red and you should have been looking in front of you. As for what I want you to do, I want you to help me until I get better." Honestly that just sprung from nowhere but Jimin saw it as an opportunity to seek payback.

"Excuse me?" Mr. Jeon was in utter disbelief, eyebrows screwed together in denial. "I'm not helping you. I took you to the hospital, isn't that enough?"

"You hit me with a car, what do you think?" Both men huffed in fury while the taller man drove down the street.

"You don't have a choice Mr. Jeon. I'm the one in pain not you." Jimin said adamantly but in a soft voice. Mr. Jeon huffed in irritation but said nothing else.

Jimin directed him to his house and was grabbing his stuff to get out when, just like before, a hand stopped him again.

Jimin saw Mr. Jeon reach into his wallet and pull out a white, black and gold sleek cut card.

"Call me." Was all he said and handed the card to the other. Jimin nodded and left with a small 'thank you'.


I'm supposed to be studying for this Ad. Math test I have tomorrow but fuck it.

Also the first few (4-5) chapters will be short as they are building up to the main point where all the action begins (le smut😏)

Also also, Jimin works at the café during weekdays and at the club on Friday nights and weekends but he has two weeks off from work due to his injuries.

Jungkook is also 24 while Jimin is 19 going 20.

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