Chapter 15

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Melody screamed when Lance turned on the light, there was a thing in the corner, it looked human but not exactly. It was skinny and looked shriveled, its face, or where there was supposed to be one, was not there, there was only a mouth, the lips had been split open. There was blood dripping from its mouth onto the pale skin of the creature. It's long boney clawed fingers were purple and it looked directly at Melody.
Lance quickly put a cross necklace on Melody. "So you see the creature?" Lance questioned. Melody only nodded, unable to speak. Oliver and Lilith stayed quiet, staring at the corner where Melody was staring, afraid for their friend. "I know someone who can see the creature too...I can call him over. He might be able to help us understand why you got attacked."
"I already know why..." Melody managed to say. Oliver and Lilith looked at Melody.
"Hm, okay. I'm sorry, I haven't gotten you the chance to explain what you know. Let's go to the pews and talk about this." Lance said with a sigh and he texted his friend to come over.
They all walked back out to the pews and sat down. Melody started explaining, "So um, the thing that attacked me, his name is Vincent. I met him when I was 3, I've so far been the only one I know who can see him. I can touch him, he can touch me, I can hear him, he can hear me, etc. I don't know why, but he's basically been my best friend ever since I can remember. But, he started acting weird today, ever since Oliver told me about his dream that had what he described as Vincent in it." Suddenly a bunch of memories came flooding back to Melody....

"What's wrong, Melody?" The nurse asked her.
"I-I don't fe-" Melody suddenly started coughing and she coughed up a bit of blood. The nurse shot up and rushed over to her. Vincent stood, watching her. The nurse called Melody's parents after wiping up the blood and laying her down on the cot. Melody stared at Vincent.
"This is what happens when you don't comply with my orders, Melody." Vincent told her, with a terrifying smile. Melody started sobbing.
The nurse looked at Melody, worried."Your parents can't pick you up, so the principal will give you a ride, okay?" Melody only nodded.
The principal gave her a ride home, during that time, she couldn't stop crying, as she felt Vincent's stare burning holes into her back.

Later that evening she went to go snoop at what Vincent was doing with the paper, that's when she read the letter, and found 3 more underneath that one. She hid in the bathroom after that. When Vincent woke up, he somehow knew what she did and he pounded on the bathroom door. She eventually opened it and she got thrown across the hallway. He stormed over to her and started yelling at her in some other language, she thinks it was Latin. She eventually broke free from his grip and ran to her room, locking the door behind her. She called Oliver and told him to meet her at the church. She grabbed the papers and opened up her window. Melody climbed onto the roof and tried to carefully climb down. The roof was soaked with rain and she eventually slipped and fell. Thankfully a bush broke her fall, unfortunately the bush had thorns. She started to run to the church. Vincent looked out the window of the bathroom and saw her running. He went out the front door and followed her. He gradually caught up to her, but by the time he caught her she was already half way in the church, so he grabbed her. Then the priest poured holy water on the already half soaked Melody, Vincent was burned and he let go.

Melody was quiet for a good 3 minutes. Oliver gently shook her and she snapped out of her thoughts. She told them everything...when she was finally done explaining, everyone was staring at her, horrified. Lance was the first to talk "He's been messing with your memories...."

 (REWRITING) Fallen AngelsWhere stories live. Discover now