Hououin Kyouma - My role in this lab - Alador Wolf

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What can I say? I, Alador Wolf, am the guy who started NewLabAk. I was inspired by Steins;Gate to create this lab. I'd say that me and Okabe have about the same personalities. I say that the Organization  is real. While it is not the same one Okabe spoke of, it does exist. You may think me crazy, but once you get to know me, you won't think that. You will know it. Emphasis on the word know. My crazy is not the kind that would make me need to see a therapist. No. It is the kind that makes one go on when everything seems hopeless. Its the kind of crazy that makes one press beyond the limits of known science and test things without knowing what will happen when you do it. Its the kind of crazy that makes you sing "I'll take that glass of water" while working with electricity. Its the kind of crazy that makes one laugh maniacally while doing something absolutely insane (and coming out alive).

informaladjectiveadjective: crazy; comparative adjective: crazier; superlative adjective: craziest1. mentally deranged, especially as manifested in a wild or aggressive way."Boss went crazy"synonyms:mad, insane, out of one's mind, deranged, demented, not in one's right mind, crazed, lunatic, non compos mentis, unhinged, mad as a hatter, mad as a March hare; Moreinformal mental, nutty, nutty as a fruitcake, off one's rocker, not right in the head, round/around the bend, raving mad, batty, bonkers, cuckoo, loopy, ditzy, loony, bananas, loco, with a screw loose, touched, gaga, not all there, out to lunch, crackers, nutso, out of one's tree, wacko, gonzo; vulgar
"he was acting like a crazy person"

2. extremely enthusiastic."I'm crazy about my work"synonyms:passionate about, (very) keen on, enamored of, infatuated with, smitten with, devoted to; (very) enthusiastic about, fanatical about; informal wild about, mad about, nuts about, hog-wild about, gone on "he's crazy about insanity"

In a word, I am crazy. But in a good way.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2021 ⏰

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