When you first meet

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It was Friday night and you were walking back home from the super market because your mom had asked you earlier to go buy groceries because you guys were running out of food. After about 5 minutes or so you finally made it back home. When you got home you looked over to the couch to see your mom watching TV. "Hi mom, i'm back." "Hi honey, could you please put the groceries away for me please." "Sure mom.". You then walk into the kitchen and put away the groceries. After doing that you went up the stairs and into your room. After a little while of watching TV, you heard your window open and a cool breeze hitting your cheek. You look over to see a man climbing in through your window. His skin was as white as snow, long black charcoal hair, no eyelids, a carved bloody smile, he was wearing a white hoodie with blood stains and black dress pants and black converses, he also had a blood stained knife. "Huh, didn't think i'd go so soon." You waited for him to finally get thru your window and when he did he face planted on the ground making a loud thud. "(Y/N)! What's going on up there?!" "Nothing mom!" You turned around back to your window to where the boy originally was to see him standing a few inches away from your face. You could see more details than you could have earlier from when he was climbing in through your window. he had beautiful- wait, what were you thinking he was going to kill you! But besides that he had baby blue eyes, that seemed to sparkle in the light. "Well, might as well get it over with." You closed your eyes waiting for impact but nothing happened. You opened your eyes to see the boy wasn't in your room anymore but there was a sticky note on your window. You got up and went to go get it off your window. The note read: 'Expect me to come back tomorrow night. ~Jeff.' You finished reading it and placed it on your desk and walked back to your bed and went to bed.


It was Friday night and you got home a few hours ago and you instinctively went up to your room to play your video games. Yes! you just got to the final part in Majora's Mask. You were halfway through the part when your TV suddenly started glitching out. "Come on bro! I was right in the middle of the game!!" You then saw the screen go black and watched as green text popped up on your TV. 'You shouldn't have done that',  You watched in shock as you saw an arm emerge from your TV, then a head then the other arm, then the torso and lastly the legs. He looked like Link from The Legend of Zelda, but without the normal blue iris, it was glowing red, and instead of the usual white clera, it was black. "Link?" "DO I LOOK LIKE LINK?"  "Kinda, except for your eyes." "You're different." "What do you mean by different?!" "People usually scream and beg for their life, but you're not." "Do you want me to?"  "Nah, it gets annoying after a while to be honest." "So, are you gonna kill me or not?" "Nah, but wanna play COD?" "Sure." After a while playing COD BEN had to go. "Will I see you again my friend." "Sure, whatever." You then watched as BEN jumped through your TV.

~~Eyeless Jack~~

It was about 9:30 pm and you were listening to Markiplier rage to FNAF. When the video you felt sleepy so you decided to shut your phone off and on the night stand next to your bed. You layed back down in bed and went to sleep. You then woke up to the sound of your window creaking open. You then heard footsteps nearing your bed, you felt your shirt being lifted up and something cold and sharp on your skin. You picked up your pillow and threw it in the guys face. He got stunned for a second but immediately regained his senses and began coming at you again. You then grabbed the lamp and smashed it on his head and he fell on the ground unconscious. You then dragged the man downstairs and tied him to a chair while de-arming him of his weapons. It has been about ten minutes and he finally became conscious again. "So, you're awake." "..." "Hmm, not the talkative type eh?" he nodded a yes "Heh." "What's funny?" "Finally the man talks, and I laughed because you had the courage to break into my house without thinking i'll put up a fight, and you wouldn't even talk!" "Whatever... wait, where's my scalpel?" "Are you that stupid? You honesty thought I wouldn't un-arm you? You really do crack me up!" "So, when are you gonna let me go?" "...Hah, I'll only let you go if you promise to not to kill me." "Fine." You then walked over to him and used his scalpel to cut the rope. "Can I have my scalpel back?" "No, i'm going to keep it until I've fully trusted you." "Fine." You then watched as he walked back upstairs and you followed after to see him jump out your window.

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