Chapter 5

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No one's POV

To say that Taehyung was anxious was an understatement. The latter had been waiting for Jungkook to arrive for the past ten minutes.

As Taehyung was about to take out his phone, he saw a certain wine-coloured hair male making his way towards him.

"You're early," Jungkook remarked before making his way to his car, a sleek and posh-looking Audi A6.

Taehyung eyes widened in amazement before gently opening the car door, afraid of scratching it and settled himself inside the car.

Taehyung was awed by the interior of he car, the interior furnishing of the car was intricately designed, with the Audi car logo proudly emblazoned on the steering wheel that Jungkook was currently grasping on.

Jungkook saw Taehyung's amazed face before allowing a smirk to grow on his face. He gripped onto the gearbox before leaning into Taehyung, hot breath fanning the elder's face and whispered, "Sit tight, baby, we are in for a long ass ride."

The older's eyes widened and he blushed from not only the close proximity between the two of them but due to Jungkook's choice of words.

"Baby... I like it when he calls me that," Taehyung thought to himself before internally squealing. Half of his brain was telling him to shut the fuck up and calm down but the other half was telling him to fuck it and continue squealing like no tomorrow.

The scene kept replying in Taehyung's mind and he had to place his hand on his chest several times to calm down his erratically beating heart.

Jungkook seemed to notice Taehyung's actions and casually placed a hand on Taehyung's thigh, rubbing small circles with his thumb in the process. "Relax, Taehyung."


But no, Taehyung thought that he would very much like to keep his job so he forced a smile on his face, cringing as he felt his cheek muscles aching at the amount of force exerted on them.

After what seemed like an eternity to Taehyung, Jungkook's car pulled in front of a three storey house. The house was painted white in colour and there was a mini garden located in front of it and it was obvious that a lot of care was taken into maintaining the garden due to the neatly cut plants and orderly arranged flower beds.

Taehyung was in shock upon seeing the house that loomed in front of him as his personal apartment was only two room, inclusive of the toilet, which he had rented from someone.

As Taehyung stepped into Jungkook's house, Taehyung squealed before going around to admire the neatly furnished home. The older was followed by the younger as the older went to admire the interior of the house with the younger at the back trying his best to muffle his laughter due to the younger's cuteness.

Taehyung's POV

Oh man holy shit, this house is huge.

Upon seeing the huge sofa, I squealed before settling myself on it, letting out a sigh due to the soft cushion beneath my butt. The cushion that made up my sofa at home was probably as hard as a rock, which was nothing compared to Jungkook's sofa that was as soft as a pillow. Damn his sofa was probably more comfortable than my bed.

I sighed before snuggling into the cushion of the sofa and decided to build a mini fort around me with the pillows lying carelessly on the sofa.


I bolted upright upon hearing Jungkook's smooth velvety voice, causing the pillows to tumble down onto the ground in the process.

He made his way towards me before plopping down beside me, causing more pillows to tumble to the ground.

He inched his face closer to mine, staring straight into my pupils.

I gulped before looking away. Stupid Jungkook and his handsome face, causing me respiratory problems.

"We came here for work purposes, mmm? So stop fooling around and let's get started shall we?" He said, a lopsided grin plastered on his face but his voice was laced with authority.

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