Chapter One: The First Day.

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Bumblebee's POV

I sat there in the parking lot, in my car, gripping the steering wheel tightly. I was so nervous, but so excited at the same time that I was trying to calm myself down. Today was a big day, and possibly the greatest day of my life.

I had been accepted into one of the greatest schools to ever exist on Cybertron: Iacon University. When I received the letter of acceptance I was overwhelmed with joy and almost couldn't believe it.

I took a deep breath in, and slowly exhaled out. "Alright Bee, this it. You got this." I tried to reassure myself, hoping it would work. I grabbed my backpack from the passenger seat and opened the door of my car.

I looked at the large building towering over me. My optics widened and my mouth hung open has I marveled at the sight before me. It was even more spectacular than I ever imagined, and I couldn't believe I was actually there.

A group of femmes walked by and started laughing at the dumb expression I had on my face. I shook my helm to regain my focus.
I took a look around the campus grounds and not to my surprise, found it was really big.

From what I could see from the parking lot, the main building was in front of me and stretched out both left and right. And it looked as though there was two buildings on each side that were both pretty decently sized, and I could only assume they were mechs and femmes dorms.

Other than that that's all I could see from here. Of course, there was still much more to see, but I could worry about seeing the rest later. I opened the trunk of my car and grabbed the rest of my bags along with my skate board. And with one final deep breath, I headed inside.

I wondered around the halls aimlessly trying to figure out were the Headmaster's office was. I looked down at the letter I held in my servo while trying to keep ahold of my stuff. 'They give directions, but I don't get them at all. There are a TON of bots around, I suppose I could just ask someone where-'

Just as I thought that, somebot bumped into me with incredible force and sent me falling to the ground along with my bags.

"Oh! Sorry little guy, I didn't see you there. Uh, here, let me help." I sat up and rubbed my helm, then looked up to see the bot who had bumped into me.

It was a big green mech, who though was really strong, seemed gentle. His servo was extended in front of me, and I took it. His grip was strong, as expected, and with one swift motion, he pulled me to my peds with ease.

I dusted myself off. "It's alright. It was kinda my fault for just standing in the middle of the hallway." I bent down to pick up my stuff and the green mech helped. "I take it it's your first day, and you're looking for the Headmaster's office?" The green mech asked.

I laughed a little at myself. "Yeah, but I'm totally lost." The green mech chuckled lightly. "Thought so. C'mon, I'll take ya there." He gestured for me to follow and I did so.

"Here, let me help you carry some of that." He took one of the duffle bags I was carrying in my servos. "Oh, thanks." We started walking down the hall and up some stairs.

'Wow. First bot I've met and he's really nice.' I thought to myself while smiling. "So what your name, kid?" The green mech addressed me.

"I'm Bumblebee." I said simply. He glanced over his shoulder with a smile on his face. "Bumblebee huh? I'm Bulkhead, sorry I didn't introduce myself sooner." We made it to the top and walked down some more hallways.

"It's no problem. I appreciate the help though." We stopped in front of a pair of double doors that was in the center of the hallway. "Well, here it is. Don't worry, I'll wait out here for ya so I can show you to the dorms too." He grinned at me and sat in one of the chairs next to the door.

"Thanks, man. I appreciate it." I lifted my servo and punched in the key code that was on the letter into the panel beside the door. "No problem." Bulkhead smiled at me again and pulled out a device which I could only assume was his comm link.

The doors slid open to reveal a spacious room with shelves full of data pads on the walls along with a desk that had big window behind it and comfy seating all around. The Headmaster sat at the desk facing my direction.

"Please, come in." He gestured for me to enter and I did so. I walked to one of the chairs in front of the desk, and put my stuff on the floor next to me.

He smiled softly at me and extended a servo. "Welcome to our University. I am Headmaster Alpha Trion. A pleasure to meet you, young one." I smiled, took his hand and shook it.

"Thank you, sir. It's a pleasure to be here." He stood up from his seat and walked over to the window. "You seem like a responsible young mech, so I trust you are aware of our rules?" He glanced at me over his shoulder.

I nodded once in response. He then walked back over and and pulled a few things out of his desk. He placed in front of me a data pad that had a schedule on it and a keycard which I guess was for my room.

"Then there isn't much more I require to do for you other than give you these." He said referring to the items in front of me. "That data pad contains the schedule for you every day classes, and is programmed to automatically change if there is any changes made to the usual schedule. So please be sure to check it daily in case any adjustments are made. And that keycard there gives you access to both the dorm house, your room, and to campus grounds. Do not lose it. Understood?" His face was blank but his voice was stern.

I nodded my helm again in understanding. "Of course." He smiled at me again. "Very well. You are free to go to your dorm. And if you wish, you may explore campus grounds. But keep in mind that the assembly will begin during the lunch hour. Do not be late." I took the data pad and keycard along with the rest of my things and exited the room.

When I entered the hallway Bulkhead looked up and stood, grabbing the bag as well. "I guess now you're a official student. Keycard and everything." A huge grin spread across my face plate at the thought.

"Yeah! I just need to go get this stuff to my room and then I think I'll do some exploring." We started heading toward the dorms, Bulkhead leading the way.

"Not a bad idea. If you wanted, me and my buddy Wheeljack could give ya a tour." My smile only grow upon hearing that. It seemed that I had already made a friend here.

"That would be awesome! That is... if you really don't mind." I realized that he might have better things to do than show the new guy around. As much has I wouldn't mind being shown around instead of wondering aimlessly like I was earlier.

He started chuckling and I figured it was because of the clear excitement in my voice, and probably optics too. "Nah, it's no big deal. Besides, we're friends now, aren't we?"

A friend... Now that I think about it, he's probably the first real friend I've ever had.

"Yeah, I guess we are!" I said a little more enthusiastic than I intended, but I could care less right now. I made my first friend!

We walked down a few more halls before exiting the build through a door that led outside. We followed the pathway to one of the side buildings I had seen previously, and upon arriving I noticed that this building had the school emblem above the door and was colored blue.

Which had to mean this was the mechs dorm, and that the femmes dorms must have a red emblem instead of blue. I suppose that's one way to distinguish which dorms are which.

We walked up onto the porch and Bulkhead pulled out his keycard. "So, you ready to meet your roommate?" The green mech questioned has he slid the keycard through the panel next to the door.

Scrap! I had totally forgotten about that. How on Cybertron could I forget that!? "Well... I guess so." The door slid open, and Bulkhead and I entered the dorms.

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