The Attack

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Three years later

I was beginning to show again, but this time, I was much larger then when I carried Emerald. Last year, Peter and I brought a pair of twins to the world, Benjamin Arthur Pendragon and Lavender Gweneviere Pendragon. Ben reminded me a whole lot of my late uncle Lancelot. He was kind, brave and cunning for his young age. His sister on the other hand, she was beginning to remind me of my father more and more everyday. She was confident, corageous and sensitive. They were in other words, perfect.

I stood in the mirror, carefully caressing my growing belly. I heard a soft knock on the door and my maid, Alice, entered with a blue, silk, dress.

"Good morning, Alice", though for once, she did not answer me back. She quickly closed the door behind her and hurriedly walked towards me.

"Your majesty, it's the palace, it's under attack".


I was now dressed in the blue gown that Alice carried with her as I hurriedly walked down the corridors of Camelot. I soon came face to face with Gwain. He was sweaty and seemed extremely stressed, though his eyes softened once they landed on me.

"Olive...", "No, Gwain, I will not be returning to my chambers any time soon. You must realise that I have the same possition as my father did, and therefore I have the same responsibilites. I need you to take twenty men with you, you must protect the village, at any cost. Understood?", he looked at me with a small smirk as he bowed his head.

"Yes, your majesty", I smiled at him and closed the distance between us by hugging him close to me. I felt as he squeezed my shoulders tightly and put his head ontop of mine.

"Be careful out there, you clotpole. If I hear that you have died out there, I will personally give you a scolding, just like the ones I have given to Emerald and Peter", he chuckled as he snuggled into my neck. We seperated as he looked deep into my eyes.

"I would never do such a thing". I smiled at him before I headed to the citadel where Peter and Leon were trying to decide on what to do. They stood gathers around a smaller table with a great map of the castle covering it's every corner. Their eyes turned to me once I enterd.

"Liv, you should not be here. They could take the citadel at any minute", said Peter. Leon laid a hand on his shoulder, almost as if to tell him not to.
"I am the Queen, Peter... Need I say more?", my husband fell silent but the concerne in his eyes were still most vissible. I walked over to them and looked carefully at the map.
"Which direction are they comming from?", I asked. Leon pointed at the map.
"The east part of the village", said Leon.
"Do we yet know who they are?", I asked. Both men stiffened.
"They wear the crest of Nemeth", said Peter. I let out a breath.
"Well then, we better greet them aproproprietley", I said as I smiled.
"Leon, you shall possition a dozen men by the east to prevent them from entering. Make sure that the archers stand ready by the tower to act if they were to enter the lower town. ", I said.
"Yes My Lady", replied Leon. I smiled at him. He was very close to me and it hurt me deeply to send him out.
Once Leon left I was alone with my husband. He walked over to me and took my hands in his.
"Liv, please go to the children", I looked into his eyes.
"Have you yet to understand Peter? I am THE Queen and those men out there are MY knights. I must do everything I can to protect them. I will stay here and make sure that the men knows what to do", my husband almost seemed aggrivated by my statement.
"For Christ's sake, Olivia - you are pregnant! Do you wish harm on the child which you are carrying?", I was stunned by his statement.
"How can you say that? You know that I put my children before anything else. But I want my children to be able to grow up in a safe environment. If we let Daniel's troups enter our castle there is a great chance that he will kill our children just as well as ourselves. We have to stop them, for the children and for our people", Peter looked sadly at me.
"I am so scared, Liv. I don't want to lose you". He took my face between his hands and rested his forhead against mine. Tears were gathering in his eyes. I could not help myself but to look into them with deep love and affection. A small smile was playing on my lips.
"And I you, Peter - but we must act or our home, our people... they will die, Peter". He kissed my forhead lovingly.
"Please stay here. Do your duties as Queen if you insist, but please, do not get in harm's way". He spoke with tears in his voice. I nodded as I stood on my tippytoes and kissed him.
"Come back to me", I said. He nodded, stroked my cheak and walked out the door. If I had only known then what I know now.

An hour later I am sat in the citadel, ordering my men about. The ringing of the bells stung in my ears. They had enterd the gates.

"OLIVIA PENDRAGON! TREAT ME WITH THE RESPECT I DESERVE AND FACE ME", shouted Daniel of Nemeth from the courtyard. I looked down at him and saw the most horrific sight which I had ever laid eyes upon. Daniel was standing with a knife pressed to Peter's throat. I could not hide any longer. I gracefully picked up my dress as I walked down the steps to the courtyard. I could feel his eyes upon me. Daniel smirked towards me.

"So... you finally face me my grace", I held my head high as he spoke.
"Leave us be, Daniel. We are not your enemy". I said. His face switched into a wicked morph of what once was beautiful.
"You and your precious Camelot should have been mine! Instead this stableboy came along and ruined EVERYTHING!", his grip on Peter tightened. I was starting to panick internally.
"Let him go, Daniel! If anyone is to blame it is me. I refused to marry you... not him", Daniel's face eased.
"Well then you won't have anything stopping you when he is gone", said Daniel just before he slit Peter's throat right infront of my eyes. I screamed out in agony. The emotion in my heart was enough to throw Daniel and his men ten feet away, making them all land with a deep thud. The magic that I had feared and kept inside me for so long exploded out of me like a wildfire. It was stronger than any feeling I had ever felt before, to be so powerful yet so powerless at the same time. Though the strongest feeling was the darkness, the anger which tried to lure me into it's grasp once more.

I walked towards Daniel, who lay on the ground, clutching his head.
"I am the daughter of the Once and Future King, I am the Queen of all Camelot has ever been and ever will be. I am just and I am true, and you... Daniel of Nemeth... you are nothing". I said. I leaned in and met his eyes. "You will never touch my family again... to burn only in hell would be far to just for you. From noble blood you were born, into nothing you shall become, my Lord". Daniel's eyes showed fear as a flame lit in my hand and I lit his body on fire in one swift motion. I stood there as I watched him burn, and for once in my life, I felt no such thing as reget for causing anyone death.

I turned around and looked at my husband. His body laid there, cold and alone. I stood there, watching him in shock. I felt my knees go weak under me as I fell to the stone floor and burried my face in chest. All the fury was replaced by a gaping hole in my chest, it was the gruling feeling of pure sorrow. I sobbed for hours on end. He was my everything. He held me together when life was tough. He was the only love of my life, the father of my children and most importantly, my closest friend.

As night turned to dusk I felt a small hand on my shoulder.

"Mama, why is papa sleeping on the ground?", it was Emerald. I turned to my oldest daughter and looked at her with teary eyes. I gatherd myself and held her close to my body, making sure that she did not see the blood.
"Papa has become an angel now, my darling. He is in a better place", she looked up at me. Her green eyes shining.

"Does papa have wings?", I chukled lightly.
"Yes, I am certain of it my love". Emerald reached her petite hand to my cheak and wiped away my tears.
"Mama, why are you crying?", said my daughter. I took a deep breath.
"Because... mama misses papa a lot". Emerald smiled at me.
"We will meet him again some day mama. Won't we?", I nodded and cried as I held my daughter close to me. I saw Leon and Merlin out of the corner of my eye. It was time to leave him. I nodded as I stood up, carrying my daughter in my arms as I did everying in my power to maintain strong for her. As I left my husband I quickly glanced to where Daniel of Nemeth once stood, only ashes remained.

That night, when the court was sleeping, I snuk out. I took my horse and galloped under the moon until I reached a very special lake. The lake of Avalon. I heard it calling for me. The time was right. I could feel it in my bones.

I jumped of my horse and stepped into the water. I let the moon shine on me as I started to chant. The water around me turned white and my hair started to glow of the golden lake which had given me life.

"Jag tar mig an dig och accepterar dig, gåva från vår Moder. Jag välkomnar den drottningroll du har gett mig. Jag accepterar ödet du placerat på mina veka axlar... hjälp mig rättfärdiga min uppgift. Hjälp mig hela denna värld" ( I accept you, gift of the Godess. I accept the Queen you have made me. I accept the fate you placed on my shoulders... help me complete my destiny. Help me make the world whole again) .

The water before me started to bubble and out of it stepped a man. He wore chainmail and a red tunic. His hair was the color of the sun. His eyes blue as the sea.

The once and future king had rissen once more.

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