Chapter 1 - Intro.♡

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"Aren't you excited Tristan?" He asked, bumping my arm to grab my attention even more than before he opened his mouth. I would've answered him, and asked him 'excited about what?' but, something else just took the breath out of me. The topic we were discussing just seconds before the breathtaking view appeared was also forgotten. I had no idea why he asked if I was excited.

"Tristan? Earth to Tristan? Can you even hear me right now?" He kept saying, trying to bring my attention back. However, it was almost close to impossible by now. Soon, the breathtaking view was slowly moving towards our table - having spotted me staring at her with awe.

I saw how the conversation was going to go down in my mind:

"Who're you?" she asks, curious and with a bright smile on her face. One that could probably light up anyone's day. She moved her hair away from her face and her ocean blue eyes met with my brown eyes.

"My name's Tristan, and who're you?" I reply, my voice kinda shaky but clear enough for her to laugh softly. We end up talking, growing closer as friends and then proceeding to even higher relationships.

I smiled, witnessing the scene over and over again in my mind. Sitting beside a now grumpy best friend who wasn't getting the memo. She was finally standing by the table, and my head slowly raised to meet her beautiful--

angry expression..?

"Why are you staring at me?" She breaks out. The chit chatter around the cafeteria dies down after hearing her loud, angry voice. I was speechless, not expecting her to look at me like that nor speak to me in such an upset way. I haven't done anything wrong, have I? This was the moment my friend Boyle understood exactly what was going down - and smirked my way. Unfortunately, this beautiful but complicated girl spotted this - and got even more provoked.

"You think this is funny?" She hisses. More and more people were starting to whisper about me being a 'stupid boy' and how so many started to track down on boys only because of this one girl's sudden attack towards me. People are so judgemental.

"Look, I didn't mean to offend--"

"Of course you didn't!" She says, angrily this time. This got me so confused, and I just had to calm her down. I didn't look at her because of 'her body' or some creepy shit like that. Sure, stunning she is - but I'm not one to ever objectify someone.

"I didn't!" I shouted back, my voice almost cracking. She didn't know, but my friend Boyle knew that whenever my voice cracks - I speak the truth. It happens due to a bunch of feelings wanting to justify a situation.

It suddenly grew quiet. The girl seemed speechless, and my friend didn't smirk anymore only to let the situation finally die out. He didn't want to cause unecessary drama between a girl he didn't know a thing about.

"You're disgusting" was her last words, as she then turned around with her head - whipping her hair around while turning heels and walking away. Her clothes wasn't like every other girl in here either. Even if she, in fact, judged me based off of a stare - she intruiged me more than anything or anyone else ever has. After she was completely gone, the chit chatter started to slowly and surely return back to normal.

"Tristan, what the heck just happened?" Boyle asked suddenly. I slowly turned around to face him, his face shocked and I knew he wanted to know more. I sighed and put my hands over my face, knowing how complicated this is to explain. Boyle was still just as curious.

"Look, she's the new girl. I've only observed her from afar before, because I think she's really pretty.. This was the first real encounter" I explained, shame hidden within my voice. It was there, as clear a as day. How could it go so wrong!

"Man, if that was your first real encounter.. I feel majorly bad for you" Boyle admitted. I glared daggers his way, as if telling him 'like I don't already know that'. It caused Boyle to remain quiet through the rest of the hours we had spending on eating lunch. I usually have it easy talking to people and getting on their good side.. but this one girl is way, way more difficult.

Maybe I should approach her next time?

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