Chapter 2 - Getting over it. ☾

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Boyle didn't stop bothering me once after finding out about my sudden interest. It was hard to walk around and constantly hear him ask if I liked her, if I've known her from before, If I found her breakout sexy. Look, there was a lot of weird comments. These aren't even enough to start with. If I rambled up every single question he asked me, it would become a thicker book than the laws book. No doubts.

"Look, Boyle, stop asking so many questions. It doesn't matter, you heard her - she thinks I'm disgusting" I admitted, sighing heavily afterwards to give a more stronger opinion. Almost every girl hates me, and I don't lie. The cause of why? Unknown. I believe one popular girl saw me, and wanted to just have fun. So she started spouting rumours to end my life. She's almost succeeded. However, I knew the new girl didn't know about the rumour. She can't. Almost every girl find her intimidating, and I've always seen her sitting alone at tables. Which hurt my fragile heart, but I was never brave enough to go start a conversation with her.

"How does she know that? If she's a stranger to you, she can't judge you based off a stare. That would be discriminating" Boyle admitted. It's comical how justifying Boyle can act, while sometimes be a complete ass as well. You never really know what Boyle will say next - it's a thing to simply get used to. I looked at Boyle, raising my eyebrow at him questioningly.

"That's the best thing you've said since I met you on that sportsfield" I admitted. Boyle starts to laugh, and I laugh with him. It was true though, he loves to spout nonsense most of the times. We were on our way to the next class when I stop. I could've sworn I just saw her once again. I wanted to fix things, and make the complicated situation less complicated - but that will be a challenge. Especially since she seems to be someone who clings to her opinion the most.

"Hey Boyle, wait one second" I call out. He turns around and glances my way, confused. I decided to run after her, trying to catch her before she disappeared completely again. My feet rushed over and around the corner, however the moment I reached the corner and glanced down the corridor, she was gone. So I sigh, and I start to slowly go back to Boyle who stood on the same spot as before with his arms crossed together. A small smirk on his lips.


"You are so interested in her" Boyle uttered. I pushed him slightly before I continued ahead, Boyle lazily following right behind. Laughing gently to himself as we made our way to class. When we got there, I expected to see her sit at her usual seat. However, this time she seemed to not have been there. I get her though, this lession is the worst one. The teacher loves to make the absolute hardest tasks, only to later on put grades on half-done works. Saying were 'lazy' for not finishing them in time. If I could- I would also skip this class.

So we endured the lesson, and not once did she enter or show herself. So I became pretty positive she skipped this class. In a way, she's really clever. You get nothing done on this class anyway.

"Tristan!!" Boyle suddenly shouts. This dude, I swear. He was literally seconds away from my face. I turned around to look at him with a sharp glare in my eyes. Shit, this dude is braindead from time to time too.

"I'm standing literally inches away from you!" I mentioned. Boyle chuckled, finding it funny obviously. I just shook my head and joined Boyle out of the classroom, but then the teacher stopped me. Fantastic, about to get lectured by the fake-degree'd teacher.

"Tristan, I want to speak with you"

"Sure" I simply sighed. Boyle did the 'may god be with you' signing, and then sighed heavily. I really needed a mircale to swoop in right now, but I was helpless. Of course the rest of the class witnessed this and started to chit chat about it too. All these situations gives me bad reputation.

"Close the door" he says, as I had stepped inside. I did as he said, and closed the door like the good boy I am. Then Dr.Cunningham approached me with steel cold eyes. I furrowed my brows weirdly, wondering if I had done anything wrong.

"One specific girl.." he starts. Oh no, please don't tell me she bailed on me for no reason what so fucking ever. I sighed and looked down at the floor, holding in my frustration. All he did was admire her! Isn't that allowed nowadays?

"What did the specific girl say?" I whispered, tired of this whole thing. Dr.Cunningham looked at me for a long time, disappointed.

"She said you stared at her.. isn't that a bit unmanly of you, mr. Tristan Donavan" He started. Ugh, he used my surname too. It almost made me disgusted.

"I admired her from afar, sir"

"That's what most use as excuses" he quickly said. He was so disappointed at me, but considering what a jerk he is - I couldn't really care less. So I shrugged and turned my heals, ready to exit the class and get on with my day. But that's when he said:

"You've bullied her too, she said"

And that's where I drew my line.

"Cunningham-- or should I say, Frank" I started. Using a teacher's first name was basically unheard of in school- since it's a form of disrespect, plus you use it when you mean what you say. Cunningham gasped slightly, his eyes turning ice cold and angry.

"Frank- you just accused me of something I did not do. You accused me of bullying, which if you knew me - you would know I would never even dream of it. It's not even an option in my mind! Besides, you have no fucking proof of me hurting her, and she's just bashing out at me for no reason but a small stare of admiration!" I shouted. I hurriedly walked out of that classroom before Frank lashed out at me for using the first name. He could tell the principal- but I've never been more prouder than this time in my life. Boyle even saw the proudness shine in the sweaty, nervous face of mine. I've never been confronted by Vunningham before, but knowing the stupid reason for confronting me - I was proud to stand up for myself. It boosted my confidence even more, as well.

Suddenly, she appears. She was by her locker, in the locker room we were currently standing in. Oh my god, this is it. I'm so going to tell her the honest truth, and I don't care if she bail on me again, and again. Boyle was close to holding me back once I started approaching her, but he didn't. He let me walk straight into the lion's den head first.

He did remain behind me though, in case she'd lash out on him for any weird reason.

"Hey, so you actually lied about me to a teacher? Congratulations" I started, sarcasm in my voice since I wasn't happy about her actions at all.

"Who's the disgusting person now?" I added afterwards. Crossing my arms angrily. The girl glanced at me, and her stare was fierce and probably the one's of a murderer. She closed her locker with a 'boom' and startled both me and Boyle.

"Listen here you dumbass- you don't just stare at a person for no fucking reason at all" She started. I was still confused about that part.

"You're aware that there are more people than I who does on a daily fucking basis right?" I started, getting triggered when she used the word 'fucking' in her phrase. This could go south real quick. She stared at me for a long ass time, before she spoke up.

"I know, but I so just happened to catch you in the middle of the act. You're such a fucking creep--"

"You lied, that I bullied you as well. Now that's something I consider creepier than a stare" I honestly spoke, rightfully interrupting her rant on something that doesn't make real sense. She clearly grit her teeth - her hand's knuckles turning white from the pressure.

"Fuck off!" was her final words, then marched off. I raised my hand up towards Boyle, waiting for him to highfive it. When he spotted the hand, he highfived it with pride. I smirked.

"Maybe I can get over it" I started. Boyle raised an eyebrow at me questioningly, probably wanting me to explain what I meant by it.

"Like, get over my interest for her. She's clearly not healthy to be around" I continued. Boyle shrugged, then spoke in the midst of it all:

"I bet that will be impossible"

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