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{A/N- hi guys imma try to write a reallyyyyy long chapter of jenzie stuff. i cbf writing dialogue so its gonna be in text form hehe}
~kenzies pov~
everyone got to johnnys at around 7:30. AM. AM!!!! too early. hayden fell asleep on his way here, hes such a sook. we sat inside on their couches, lauren sitting in between carson and annie. me sitting in between johnny and hayden. we're just joking and guessing where johnny is taking us, because HE WONT TELL US. Lauren knows, but she wont tell us either. its an oRlaNd0 suPriSe!1! ugh. its now 8am and im trying to shove Hayden off me, he fell asleep on my shoulder. he woke up and playfully punched my shoulder. i laughed and pushed him off the couch. i stood up and helped john put everyones bag in the back of the car as everyone took their seats in the 7 seater. Annie and Lauren in the very back, Hayden and caRsY in the middle and then john driving and me as the passenger.
john starts driving and almost immediately hayden is asleep, carson too. annie and Lauren are gossiping about something in the back, so its just me and johnny. the radio station starts playing 'Lucky Strike' by Troye Sivan and i start jamming out. i love Troye so much!! i look over at Johnny and hes giggling at my stupid dancing. i smile and keep singing, while John just nods his head along with the music. the song finishes and the radio hosts start going on and on about something no one cares about. johnny places his hand on my thigh, and i freeze. i want to move, but i also dont.
i look out the window to try and look for signs of where we are. Johnnys hand isnt on my thigh anymore, but i am holding his hand. i see one of the signs along the road and perk up. it reads "Florida, next left in 20miles." I turn my head and look at johnny, he just smiles and i jump up and down in my seat. Florida!!!
{AN- i dont live in America dont attack me please}
johnny squeezes my hand as we pull into the gas station. johnny gets out and fills up the gas, but signals for me to go inside with him to pay. i jump out of the car and walk inside with him. i pick out a gorgeous penguin beanie and plonk it on his head. he grabs a pair of flip flops {AN- IM AUSSIE SO IT HURT SAYING FLIP FLOPS NOT THONGS}
and hands them to me. they have cats with hippie glasses on. i laugh and pick out some snacks before we head to the counter to pay. we walk back to the car grinning like idiots. Carson was awake so he sits up and whispers something to us-

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