oh hi

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tbh im slowly giving up on writing, i wanna write a real cliche book but idk if y'all would want to read it. would you guys prefer jenzie, summer+dylan (even tho theyre over :(...) or stranger things!
i used to write fanfic on instagram so maybe i'll just resort to that because i spend most of my time on insta anyway. okie dokie. heres this chapter.
Mackenzie Zieglers pov

i thought you still lived in Australia? howcome your back?
is it really any of your business?
also you're*
look mackenzie, i get that your fAmOuS and all, but after all that i went through just for you, i thought we could at least still be friends?
it would be really nice to talk to the gang again tho...
they all miss you, mack. we see shit get leaked of you and i cant help but feel bad, i can't imagine the pain. i remember going through that.
thanks, john. but it really hurt me when i found your real insta acc, 5 million fucking followers? that hurt, john. a lot.
i know, and i'm so so sorry. but it felt nice to have a real friend, you know? someone who didnt have a huge following. someone who didnt knkw who i was.
maddie and i have a show tomorrow, i want you there. i'll leave your name at the back door, bring lauren too. afterwards we can go get pizza at that place?
sounds like a plan!
i missed you, jo.
i missed you more, kz.
{this is SUCH a bad chapter and im so sorry for not updating but I'm really trying to put effort into this new year new me thing, so if you guys want i will continue writing. i'll probably end up finishing this book anyway, just not with as many updates as when i first started. love u}

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2019 ⏰

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