18k anouncments + Sad shit

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Warning...this will be kinda sad... you guys can just skip to the end for the announcments


My pov
I look at the bottle of anti-depressants and Sighed "out again..." I hear a faint knock rrom the door quickly stuffing the bottle under my pillow. "Come in" the door opens and pure stands by the doorway. "Mon cherie arent ou going Downstairs to celebrate?" He asked, "n-nah...im kinda sleepy.." i lied, i know im not suppose to lie...especially infront of him..."Are ou sure?" He sat down next to me on the bed and held my hands. His hands were warm..unlike mine which where cold, "in zat case.." he brings my hands upwards and Kissed it "I should let ou rest" He puts his hand on my head and creased my hair gently, "Good night cherie" He laid me down and tucked me in. "...g-good night Pure" he smiled and kissed my forehead, walking to the door and fliping the lights off and the door shuts.

I sighed and got up pulling the lamp string and pulled the  pill bottle out. I crease the plastic container in my hands as tears streamed down my face "Why now..." i softly cried and grabbed my phone dialing Medic's number.



i was talking with sniper as we Leaned on the corner of the wall away from the rowdyness of the Freakshows and the two opposite teams included. My Phone had began to vibrate in my pocket, i open it only to find Kai calling, i excuse myself amd headed outside. "Ja?"

"Medic....I...can you come to the roof..."

I raised a brow "Frau Vhy Vould i-"

"Look at the roof.."

I turn around and looked at the roof only to see Kai Sitting on the roof "ja...i'll be zhere in just a momment..."

"Please dont tell anyone where your going.."

"Dont vorry jour little head frau...i'll be zhere in 3 minues"  i Ended the call and waved, receiveing a wave back from the  demon angel hybrid. I sighed and Went back inside, getting my medical bag and crept upstairs to the roof.


I exit from the window and Sat down next to Her "vhat is it frau?" I asked, i examine her face and it seemed as if she had been crying "i-i ran out of anti-depressants...i was wondering if i could...get some more.."

I pinch the bridge of my nose "Frau i gave jou a Two month Supply last month...Vhat happened...Dont tell me jou vere Doubleing se Dosage..."

She was silent. My eyes widen. "......Frau vhat are jou thinking?!"

"I-i dont know i-i cant think straight" She cried i look at the empty pill  bottle beside her. "I-i just thought...i-....if i took more i wouldnt feel Upset...." i shook my head "Doubleing ze Dosage Can lead to Major Complications...zats it...i vill not give jou any more"

She grabbed my coat "M-medic please....you dont understand!! I-I i need the pills" She cried out, i hold her wrists "No jou dont!...jou dont need zhose Pills, look at me frau"

She seemed to calm down a bit "Jour body cont handle the sudden Dosage...ze drug is Experemental god knows vhat's happening inside jou right now...Verndamnit How long have jou been doubleing ze dosage?? A month?? A year??"

She couldnt speak "z-zat...long..." i let her go "Frau...i told you..."

"I-i know b-but i couldnt help it...i couldnt help To take it...i-tpit made me who i am...i cant live without it"

"Think of jour family....think vhat vould pure think if he knew?!"

"He dosent need to know medic..No body needs to know..."

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