Q&A cuz why not

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Me: Oookkkaaaaayyyyyy guys i managed to kidnap- errr i mean Invite slme people into the Q&A so we still have Christian Brutal medic since you guys really enjoy having him around

CBM: *Waves* 

Me: oh amd we have Panis cupcake!!

Panis cupcake: *No clipping on the ceilng*

Me: ooookkkaaayyyy...and we have the entier Red team here, CBS and CPS...now there were some unanswered Questions in thr last ask, soooo now is your time to Ask them again.

Pure: as usual, Feel free to ask Anything we have no limitation here.

Me: Thats right~

Brutal: *Muttering*limit my ass *growls*

Me: was that a challenge brutal...

Brutal: *Mutters curse words*

Me: Alright We'll just wait for Questions now~

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