Chapter 2 Abused

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After school hiccup didn't wait for his sisters he just walked home  he had a headache from getting his head slammed against the locker door,he  didn't notice his sisters were sneaking up behind him"Boo!  they yelled hiccup didn't even flinch,"Hiccup are you ok? Asked Astrid with concern in her voice"yeah I'm fine said hiccup blankly. Astrid looked over at heather with concern their younger brother hadn't been the same after their mum died
They arrived at the house their dad
was still at work so hiccup went straight to his room and locked the door he took his homework out and spent the next hour doing it

Meanwhile his sisters sat in their room unlike hiccup they share a room  "I'm worried about him Astrid said heather he hasn't been the same ever since mum died. "Do you want to ask him to play truth or dare? "Yes and as a dare we can ask him if he is okay since mum died said Astrid in truth she was worried about her younger brother
Hiccup heard the knock on his door and quickly put his cutting knife away and cleaned his cuts with antiseptic and put on a long sleeve shirt he couldn't let his sisters know about his cutting he thought they would freak out,he then unlocked the door and found Astrid standing there "Do you want to come and play truth or dare with us?she asked "sure he said 5 minutes later he walked into his sisters room with Astrid,heather was already there waiting for them they sat in a triangle and started the game

An hour later it was 6 oclock they had gone threw a lot of dares and truths heather nodded at astrid when hiccup was distracted signaling that it was time to answer the question " hiccup truth or dare? heather asked "mmm truth he said "okay, are you okay since mom died? she asked suddenly all the light in hiccups eyes just vanished"what did you say? he said his voice filled with venom. The two girls stood up and walked up to him "I said are you okay since mom died? heather repeated hiccup stood up now and backed away since they were walking closer to him ,since he was 13 and they were 17 they were a good bit taller then him "leave me alone and yeah I'm fine since she died now if you don't mind I have homework to finish he said and with that he walked out of the room slamming the door.
It was 7 o'clock and the girls had gone out for the evening with their friends hiccup on the other hand had no friends and he was getting yelled at by his father " WHY DIDN'T YOU CLEAN THE HOUSE? his dad yelled and smack he floored hiccup with a punch "I'll teach you not to disobey me,and with that he took out a belt and began to beat hiccup across his bare back after half an hour hiccups back was red,cut and black and blue from bruises his dad whipped him one more time and finished saying" no dinner for you tonight and don't you dare tell your sisters their the only people that do work in this house now get up to your room and if you come back down I will beat until you collapse!  he yelled at hiccup and with that hiccup , tears in his eyes he ran upstairs to his room

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