Daryl's view of chapter 15. No One Touch's Angel

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The week went by fast I did some business deals so I can keep my cover, the Gang has went down in some numbers "hm" I say under my breath. Everything I'm doing is going according to plan I want out of the Gang it's too much bullshit and you always feel like you have a target on your back. It's Friday so I know there's a few races in an around the city I'll surpires my angel an take her to one so she can unleash her beast of a car. I sent her a text telling her I miss her and I have a surpires for her when she gets home."It's true I do she's what I think about nearly all day, the way she stands up to me, the way she carries herself, her beauty the way she talks just everything about her is perfect" I say to myself. I take her dog for a short walk I can tell he likes it when I take him on his walks, really it's thanks to him I have my girl that and I'm starting to like him I can see why she picked him as her pet he's layed back an calm.

We start to head back to the house I look up at the sky the sun will be going down soon "I don't like this what is going on! Where is she?" I say in a worried voice.I send her a text asking her where she was, "I don't like this I know how the street are an some parts are not safe to be on" I say to myself as me an her dog walk up to the house I spot Matt an skyler's bike "Oh how fucking lovely" I say under my breath. I feel my phone beep she tells me she at the grocery store and shes getting some things for the house she'll be here soon.I smile an breath out slowly "I'm just happy to know she's okay " I say to myself as I send her a text telling her okay an hurry up and that I miss her I also tell her that Skyler an Matt are here. I walk into the pool gate an see Matt an Skyler sitting at one of the tables, Matt looks over at me "Where's Kate her car isn't here we thought she would be here since its Friday" he says with a smile. "She here everyday that's how much you know" I say to myself as I take off the leash off of her dog, I look over an smile as I walk to the table an sit in the chair"She's at the grocery store getting a few things she'll be here soon" I say with a mischievous grin.

Matt starts talking about something but I block him out my anxiety starts to kick in "Where is she? The grocery store isn't that far away from the house and the way she drives she should be here by now, I wonder if I should send out TJ to look for her? No she would hate that" say to myself. But before I can continue my thought I hear Skyler say oh my god Kate I look over my angel is holding her side with blood coming from her fingertips she collapses on the ground and only thing I can do is scream her name as I run over to her.I pick her up off the ground I fell her body shaking "Angel angel please wake up come on angel" I nearly scream, which alarms TJ & Jay as they run out from the house Matt is saying something but all I can do is hold my angel an feel worried "What the hell happened? Who did this to her! They will pay for touching my angel" I say to myself as I look down at her and carry her into the house.

Once I have her in the house I lay her on the couch "Jay get me the first aid kit please quickly" I say in a worried voice, he runs to grab the kit for me "Daryl what about her side Kate was holding it" Matt says in a scared voice. I lift her shirt up on her side and see it all red like someone had hit her multiple times on her side my blood starts to boil as I see this,"Her fingers they have blood on them she must have fought somebody off of her or something" Skyler says as she holds on to Matt. Jay hands me the first aid kit I thank him as I start to work on my angels hand "Daryl are you going to be okay" TJ says in a serious yet concerned tone. I shake my head and look at them "Skyler I need you to go get the groceries out of her car that she got for the house bring them in and please put them away,second Jay make sure nobody followed her here, Third Matt do not start with me right now I'm not in the mood I'm sitting here taking care of my girlfriend once she wakes up I will get the answers I need" I say in a serious yet scared voice."Someone is going to pay for this" I say under my breath.

Everyone nods there heads an does what I ask of them Matt help's Skyler out with putting the food away, I rub her head slowly waiting for her to wake up I can feel everyone's eyes on me watching me "I don't care" I say to myself. I put my hands over my face an just shake my head "Being a gangster your not a pose to show weakness but this is different this is my girl who was attacked" I say to myself as I look over at her. I look down at the ground praying she will wake up soon when I hear her dog bark I look over an see relief in her eyes knowing that she was safe. I get close to her "Angel you okay? What happened? Tell me please" I say in a serious yet soft voice. She start to lean up and she looks at everyone she begins to breath out slowly she tells me mostly that's she okay that she was just assaulted by some creep then she tells us she can remember he grabbed her and slapped her ass. "That not good dirty mother fucker" I say to myself as she continues to tells us that she punched him in his jaw she also remembers a scar on his face but then, she stops her voice begins to shake some I lean over an kiss her head softly "Then what happened?" I say in a serious tone. She tells us he pushed her up on her car and started to hit her side next thing she knew she felt like something deep inside of her was just awakening up, "I know what that was it was her adrenaline kicking in, it's happened to me before as well" I say to myself as I continue to listen to her.She says she shoved him to the ground and started punching is face repeatedly after she tells us I see tears run down her face.I pull her close to me as I begin to rock her slowly,"Your safe now Kate nothing is going to happen to you here not with us around" Matt says I can't tell what the others face expressions are like but I have a feeling they're all feeling the same thing.She just lean her head on me I haven't let go of her "Angel for now on one of the guys will follow you so this will never happen again" I say in her ear she just nod my head a yes,"I'm going to keep her safe, only other two people I wanted safe was Matt an my grandmother but now she's in my life she's my priority as well" I say to myself.

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