Special Chapter For. Matt,Skyler & baby Autumn

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Author's note just like I promised here is a special chapter of Matt and Skyler and their baby girl Autumn Rose. This chapter goes to wintonsam1992 💖.

Who know I would be holding my baby girl in my arms it was only yesterday she was in her mommy's belly kicking away but now she's here four and half mouths old, the day Skyler went into hospital she was in labor for nine hours and let me tell you she wanted to kick my ass for ever moment of it while I was trying to calm her down but our baby girl didn't want to come out thinking about its kinda funny now but Daryl,Kate,Kate's dad,Mr.Troy and Uncle Luke was there to welcome in our beautiful baby who finally decided she was going to make her appearance to the world kicking and screaming, now she's sleeping peacefully on my chest while I rub back a little while Skyler is out looking for her wedding dress with Kate and Lisa I hope she finds the dress of her dreams we picked to have our wedding at the lake and Kate said she would help no one could talk her out of it Skyler is the same way maybe it's the hot blood of the Italian in them but you know what I got a feeling both Skyler and my baby girl are going to keep me on my toes which I wouldn't mind at all because I have the best life right now.


"Matt I'm home, how did your morning go so far our beautiful baby girl"

"It was amazing she took her bottle with no problems for me, gave her a little bath she loves it when I play with rubber duckie , we watch some kiddie shows an now she's taken a nap right on her daddy's chest. How was your morning sweetheart?"

"Sounds like you two had some fun wish I was here to watch it, and good I found my dress Kate and Lisa wouldn't let me say no to it once I put it on, and no it's not here Kate took it to her and Daryl's house"

"Oh I can't wait to see you in it, I bet you look beautiful as always and that was nice of Kate to hide it from me even though I could go over and see it for myself"

"Matt Ortega you will not go over there and see my dress unless you want me to kick your ass!"

"Oh calm down I'm just joking i wouldn't do that an you know it, how's Kate and Lisa ?"

"I know but I would still kick your ass though, Lisa is good still in shock she has twins, and Kate is four and half mouths pregnant can you believe that gezz soon she'll find out the gender of the baby"

"Bring it on sweetheart, and Lisa will be fine Colin adores the twins a lot from what I have seen, and gezz what do you think she's having?"

"I hope a girl, but Kate says she got a feeling its a boy but we'll have to wait and see. Gosh look at our baby girl curly hair all messy right now aw she's so beautiful I can't believe we're parents still seems like only yesterday she was born but she's four and half mouths old and she's perfect"

"That's what I was thinking she is perfect she's very beautiful just like her mommy, thank you babe for walking into my life you made me the happiest man in the world and also for making me a dad to his beautiful little girl I wouldn't change a thing, I love you Skyler"

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