Forever protection: A Marvel universe story

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All alone in the city roads.

Rain pouring from grim dark clouds.

In the middle of an alley, there was a girl, crying.

And sitting next to her there was her little sister's inanimate body.

- It didn't have to be this way... A man said from behind her while the girl's tears were falling onto her beloved sister.

------------------------------------------------------------- 6 years earlier-----------------------------------------------------------

- Blow out your candles, honey!

Cathania blew the 7 candles on her birthday cake, surrounded by her family and friends. The small crowd cheered as all the fire on the candles disappeared into smoke. Sitting next to her was her dear pregnant mother, now cutting the cake into 11 pieces.

- It's gonna be your lucky year, honey! Cathania's aunt said.

The now 7-year-old little girl was too busy stuffing some cake into her mouth to answer, and so were the kids.

- It's gonna be the best year ever!!! dhe shouted, hugging her mother's big belly, after swallowing the food in her mouth.

The adults laughed as they digged in the cake as well.

- When is sissy gonna be here, mom? Cathania asked.

- Pretty soon, hon. In three weeks! her mother said, patting her head.

- She's the best birthday gift ever!

The mother chuckled. After the gifts were opened and the visitors were gone, the little girl went to bed and instantly fell asleep, a smile on her face.

The next day, Cathania and her mother walked to the park with their neighbor. As they arrived, Kaylee, their neighbor, shouted.

- You hide, I count!

- Now be caureful, you two, her mother said.

- Yeah, yeah, Cathania said.

Cathania started running, looking for a place to hide, Kaylee's counting echoing through her ears. After a few seconds she found a little alley and hid behind a large garbage bin.

- Ready or not, here I come! Cathania heard from a distance.

Cathania peeked over the bin and looked at the source where the voice came from.

- Found you... someone said from behind her.

But it wasn't Kaylee.

Forever protection: A Marvel universe storyWhere stories live. Discover now