As the years passed...

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Cathania and her little sister grew up not knowing about the outside world. Not even being able to listen to the news. "Life isn't worth knowing the incurable pain of others." Their father said. Although he sent selfish, he always willed to protect his daughters with his life.

Two more years flew by slowly with nothing ever happening to the sisters. Perhaps a surprise visit from family members, but never real excitement. At least they we're safe, like the parents would justify. But little did they know, Cathania was always in danger wherever she was.

At any moment the crazy man who once abducted her in the past could ask someone to catch the little rebel at just the right price. At any time he could end her life. At any time, he could do anything. But he never did. Not once, not ever.

Although, the little boy always had an eye on the house. Always in the shadows, never once noticed. But Cathania had this weird feeling at every moment she looked outside, like she knew someone what out there.

Two years of calm, serenity and bore. Cat was now 14, and she was tired of this life, feeling like a sheltered animal, always taken by pity. She wanted out of that place. She couldn't even bare it anymore.

Her little sister started to notice her grumpy attitude. She kept on asking what was the matter, but Cathania, never wanting to frighten her, always told her:

"I'm grumpy because I wish I was Rapunzel. "

Obviously, the princess and the girl had similarities. They were both kept in a place where they were told they were safe from the outside world. But there was one thing Rapunzel had and that Cathania didn't: it was a knight in shining armour to let her out of her prison.

One morning, she woke up from a strange dream at 3am. Spots all over her body we're itching like never before, but because of the darkness, she couldn't tell why.

"Maybe its exema...." She thought. She silently got up and exited her room and passed by Amelia's room as soundlessly as a moth under the moonlight. Before entering the bathroom, she made sure no one was woken up by the squeeky door she had opened. As she turned on the light after she had locked the door, she saw strange spots on her body. Thinking it was simply her tired eyes making tricks, she yawned and stretched before realising there were actual spots on her body.

Starting to panick, she examined them closer. They we're red and blue, and sometimes even collided into purple. Her heartbeat and breathing picking up speed, she tried to wash them off with water, soap, even scrach them off with her fingernails. Nothing.

They had only started to spread, they weren't yet covering her entire body. But they were numerous enough to be noticed.

"No...... Nonononono......" She started to think. Her eyes swelled up in tears as the beating of her heart sped up even faster. "No no no no no!" She whispered in fear before letting herself fall on the bathroom floor.

"Dad is going to be sooo mad...." She thought. Yes, he was going to be mad, but not at her. He was going to be mad at the mad man who did this to her in such a fury, she and her sister would never be allowed to leave the house ever again for sure.

She kept on looking at the spots, hoping it was all a dream. "Red.... Blue.... Red.... Blue...." She thought.

Images started to flash in her mind. Red, blue, red, blue... "The..... The needles..... The needles....." She thought.

The memory of a man holding up a seringe filled with blue liquids flashed in her head light lightning. She gasped. "...... The needles......." She whispered in utter horror.

She then felt a violent shiver through her entire body all at once. Her once terrified face was now filled with anger. She wasn't certaint what was the reason of her rage, but oh heck she was angry.

Cathania got up, teeth clenched together. She closed the light of the bathroom, went in her room to put on her favorite dark blue hoodie, took all of the money she had in her little bank by her bed and rushed downstairs, not caring if she made noise. Amelia, woken up by the ruckus, got out of her room and peeked to see what was her sister up to. Once she had boots on, Cathania was about to open the door, when Amelia asked in a scared tone: "what are you doing?..."

Cathania froze. After a brief moment of silence in the dark, Cat answered her sister: "Rapunzel needs to save herself."

Cathania then opened the door and ran out, never looking behind her as Amelia watched in great fear, hearing her father's footsteps coming closer. Without thinking twice, the little girl put on her shoes and ran after her sister under the light of a thousand stars.

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