A ring

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You just had moved to Magnolia and since it was a beautiful day you grabbed your new red summer dress and started exploring your new home. It hadn't been long until when you suddenly felt a strong tugging from deep within you that was drawing you in a certain direction. Following this urge, you wandered through the streets until you were standing in front of a huge building.
"Fairy Tail", you mumbled as you read the sign above the entrance. Even you had heard about this infamous guild that tended to destroy everything while following their missions.
Though you still didn't know what you were supposed to do here, it felt right to be there and a what seemed to be a forgotten, a sleeping part inside of you seemed to stir and hum in approval.

"Hi, may I help you?"
The sudden voice startled you and you whirled around to find a blonde girl behind you. She grimaced and threw her arms in the air.
"Sorry, I didn't want to scare you, but you seem to be a little lost"

Yes, lost was the right word to describe what you were feeling. You were lost for quite some time now.

"Kind of"
You took a closer look at this woman. Something about her seemed familiar. Not the way she was looking, more her whole presence, the kind of magic you could feel within her.
"I'm Lucy"
She reached out her hand you took it for a shake.
It wasn't your real name, but the one you were using right now.

Lucy was looking at you, a smile plastered on her face, then she spotted what was hanging around her neck and it grew to an ecstatic grin.
"Oh, are you also using stellar magic? Do you want to join us?"
You looked at the key around your neck, that you didn't know where you got it from, but you felt like it was belonging to you.

"What did I hear about joining?"
The door had opened, and an old man was joining your conversation. He was small, barely reached your knees.
"I am Makarov, the guild's leader. So, are you joining us, my dear?"
"I'm not even sure if I am a magician"

You weren't sure about many things in your life. Makarov scratched his chin. He could feel a strong magic within you, but it seemed to be suppressed. There was more to you than seemingly you even did know. With a warm smile, placed his hand on the door.
"Now why don't you come in and get to know everyone first?"

The second it was opened, you felt like being sucked in, the pull even stronger than before. Whatever wanted you to be here, it was in there. Like hypnotised you followed that invisible string across the hall. On the other side a man's head jerked up and around to face you, then stood up. He had brown hair and was wearing blue glasses with a green jacket.

It was him. He was what was drawing you in.

He moved, too and you met in the middle of the hall, eyeing each other with the feeling that you were supposed to know the other.
"Who are you?"
"My name is Loke. And you?"

You were about to tell him this name you were using, but then you decided to be honest.
"I don't know. I have no idea who I am and why I am here"

Fairy Tail Closet Chronicles/ 20 Minutes in HeavenWhere stories live. Discover now