A bracelet

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Humming, you gathered the dried clothes from the cord into a basked, then got inside the small Fairy Tail building in the middle of the woods

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Humming, you gathered the dried clothes from the cord into a basked, then got inside the small Fairy Tail building in the middle of the woods. After the disappearance of your comrades and the master at Tenrou Island and the following downfall of the guild, you had been forced to move here. It wasn't the best place to be, but you made the best out of it. As you walked through the hall, you spotted a group of guys crowded together, seemingly all talking vividly to one sitting in the middle.

"Hey, ______". Suddenly the young mage from the middle of the group stood in front of you while nervously playing with his fingers "I was wondering if you-" he scratched the back of his head "-want to go out sometimes?". He was quite cute, had pretty eyes and a nice smile. You were about to agree, when one of his friends cheered "What a man!" and suddenly the image of someone else with wild hair and a muscles frame flashed into your mind. The happy expression on your face fell and sadness took over your heart. "No, thank you but I'm not in the mood to go out" "Oh, okay". With slumped shoulders, he returned to his friends, who comradely slapped his shoulders. "Don't worry man, she's a hard one"

Many guys had tried to flirt with you since you had hit and surpassed puberty, but you hadn't been interested in one of them. For you there had always been one man since you had been a child – the one and only true man, Elfman. It may sound stupid to still be in to a man, you had fallen for when you only had been 10 years old but the feelings that had ignited the first day you had seen him never had gone away, only had grown stronger over the years. Even now that he had disappeared together about seven years ago. You just couldn't forget about him.

A team together with some members of Blue Pegasus had left to follow some traces that your comrades might be still out there, but you had refused yourself to get your hopes up. It would be just too hard for you to have them smashed again when your friends would return without them.

Suddenly the entrance door swung open and under lots of shouting and cheers the lost mages stepped in. Just like everyone else you stared at them as they have not aged one bit over the last years, but your world just seemed to stop when your eyes landed on the tallest of them all. Elfman looked just like you remembered him – tall, wild, a huge grin on his face and the fact that he was missing his shirt didn't help either to get you out of your trance. He was back, he truly was back.

Elfman's gaze wandered over all the people that were gathered in the hall until his gaze landed on you. Your orbs met and while your heart first skipped on or two beats, before it decided to jump out of your throat, his eyes widened. For a few seconds it seemed that no one else was left in this room, no in this world, then someone tackled the tall man into a hug and the moment was broken. With weak knees, you slumped back against the wall. This was too much for you! You needed fresh air, so you stumbled out through the back door.

Elfman was trying to free himself from his friend to see get to this beautiful woman. Though she looked familiar, he didn't know who she was, but he really wanted to find out. Finally, he had gotten his comrade off but when he looked at the spot she had been standing before, no one was there.

Fairy Tail Closet Chronicles/ 20 Minutes in HeavenWhere stories live. Discover now