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JIHOON ISN'T SURE how exactly he'd expected Soonyoung to react to that, that whole 'I don't actually hate you' thing. Maybe go all giggly, as he does sometimes, all rabbity and energetic. Like disco lights - colorful and moving and go go go excited. That's how Soonyoung gets about a lot of things.

But instead, he turns into something else, something more gooey and melted; kind of like a lava lamp, or cherry pie. Or like someone took a star and shoved it in the oven for an hour or two, and it's come out like half-baked cheesecake. Maybe Jihoon's just hungry.

Either way, Soonyoung is adorably flustered, blushing so hard that even the tip of his nose is dusted red and smiling wide enough for his cheeks to press crescents into his eyes - and Jihoon doesn't get it, because all he said was that he doesn't hate him. It's the least flirty thing he could possibly say.

Which is, like, fine. Because the last thing he wants to do is flirt with Kwon Soonyoung, of course.

"Don't get so worked up," he snaps, more frustrated at the fact that his own face is heating up rather than Soonyoung himself.

"Sorry, I just - I mean, that means a lot coming from you, Jihoonie," he giggles.

"I hope you're being sarcastic. Get ahold of yourself, Kwon, this is embarrassing."

"Embarrassing for you, or for me? Because I'm not all that embarrassed, Jihoon."

He clamps his mouth shut, then, not really knowing how to respond, and settles for a glare in place of an actual answer. Soonyoung sees him dodging the question and sinks deeper into his own mirth, and damn it, it's cute. Disgustingly so.

Which is okay, right? Because cute people can still be Satan incarnate.

"I think referring to him a 'Satan incarnate' is just a little, um, over the top? Maybe?"

"It's accurate."

Jihoon spins in his chair, looking at his laptop, looking at the book lying half unread on his desk, the rows and rows of bookshelves - anywhere except Jeonghan's face, because he's got this smart alec look that says something like I don't believe you, and Jihoon doesn't like it.

"I think," he starts, "the more you start to like this kid, the more exaggerated your insults get. Like you're trying extra hard to convince everyone, including yourself, that you really despise him."

"That's not - "

"You're not fooling anyone," Jeonghan sings, finally catching Jihoon's eye. "Why don't you just own up to it?"


He might like to know that himself. Pride or stubbornness, maybe, like Chan had said; being so caught up in the idea of fighting against everything Soonyoung is, he wouldn't know what to expect if he gave up the act entirely.

Because really, at the end of the day, a lot of it has turned into nothing more than an act.

Jeonghan sighs, "You're really dumb, you know that?"

"I don't get why you guys make such a big deal of it," Jihoon huffs. "How many of these talks have I had? -Too many, Jeonghan. I'm sick of being called an idiot and not knowing why."

"Well, it's not like we'd bring it up if you didn't - but you talk about him all the time, it's crazy. It'd be a lot less annoying if you were saying nice things about him, at least. Instead, you feel the need to release your pent-up emotion in the form of complaining, and force us to listen to it."

And, well. That shuts him up effectively.

He doesn't talk about Soonyoung that much, though, he's sure.

"You really do," Jeonghan continues, practically reading Jihoon's mind. It's like you can't keep the kid's name out of your mouth for more than a few minutes. Just say you're obsessed with him and go, Jesus."

Jihoon gapes, eyes wide and arms limp at his sides. 

He is not obsessed with Soonyoung.

Sure, alright, a lot of his daily life revolves around the boy, but that's only because it's so impossible to escape him at work - save for the few times Jihoon chooses to go over, but that can be attributed partly to his caffeine addiction and partly to the fact that sometimes he is a kind, decent human being. It doesn't mean he's obsessed. It means nothing of the sort.

It's the other way around, for sure - and how can he help that?

He might just be in denial, but he also might just be too proud to admit as much.

So, Jihoon's proud. That much has been made clear.

He also has a tendency to say and do dumb, hasty things when in a state of panic - and he's not entirely sure why he's panicking, but he is, and now Jeonghan's gone and he's making his way over to the coffee shop and yes, he's being stupid, but that's never stopped him before -

"Soonyoung," he pants, popping into the barista's field of vision.

"Jihoon! How's everything - "

"I am not obsessed with you."

" ... Okay? I mean, thanks for letting me know - "

"Because some people are getting the wrong idea and I just - like, I wanted to make it clear, alright? I'm not obsessed with you, I don't talk about you that much, and I - I'm a very busy person, do you hear me, Kwon? I don't have the time to spare thinking about individuals like you."

He pauses, then, breathes deep -

"That's all I had to say. Now leave me alone."

- and he leaves. 

He pretends not to notice the goofy smile stretched across Soonyoung's cheeks as he does.

There is nothing to smile about.

Jihoon doesn't think there's much to Soonyoung. He's pretty simple to sum up, really.

A loud-mouthed, boisterous, obnoxious type of guy, who doesn't know when to stop. The type of guy who'll shout about how well his day is going and how sweet the last customer was for leaving a tip. The type to pester you for conversation and demand your intention with the most innocent smile, knowing full well what he's up to. The type of guy Jihoon would never really get along with, and certainly hasn't.

But Soonyoung is also the type to draw caramel syrup hearts in your latte foam and smile when you've been nothing but a bitch, and he's the type to say, "Don't worry, it's fine," when you're fifty cents short. The type to give out free muffins and chocolate chip cookies when he knows it's against the rules. The type to ask for your favorite book, and read the whole thing just to talk about it. The type who's got a lot more to him than Jihoon ever credited, and maybe the type Jihoon could get used to, if he could just get past his own ego.

Soonyoung is pretty like pink, Jihoon thinks, with the softest eyes and a smile like laughter. Messy hair and fidgeting hands and biting the inside of his cheek and all the little things Jihoon has subconsciously picked up on, because as much as he likes to deny it, Soonyoung sticks to his mind and heart like bubblegum.

He's not obsessed, but maybe he's a little taken.

Just a little.

Why Don't We; SoonhoonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora