Fav movie

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His favorite movie is mad max fury road, when ever he watches it he will come get you to watch it with him every time and cuddle with him  (I love mad max)

His favorite movie is avatar, he loves for you to cuddle up with him while watching it

Dantes favorite movie is the maze runner but he will always eat up all the popcorn tho so you have to hide it when ever he watches it

His favorite movie is mean girls, he loves to cuddle and kiss you while watching it and he always has snacks and candy with him for the both of you 💚

His favorite movie is a dogs purpose, when he watches it he always has you by his side cuddling him because every time he watches it he cries and don't forget to bring tissues

Aaron's favorite movie is the lord of the rings, he likes to get you and all his friends to watch it together with him

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