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"Doctor, Any progress?When will she regain her consciousness?"Abhinav asked to the doctor who is sitting across him in his comfy chair.They are separated by a glass table.

The doctor is holding a report file in his left hand and studying it very carefully.

Abhinav looking at him eagerly ,waiting for his answer with a hope that maybe this time he will say something positive.

A moment later,letting out a sigh the doctor closed the file and put it on the table. And finally looked up at Abhinav's face.

"I am sorry,Abhinav.There is no improvement can be seen in her recent test report."He said , making him dishearten .

Abhinav's face fell abruptly as his hope crushed once again .His eyes teared up.

The doctor rose from his chair and came to him.

He placed his hand on Abhinav's shoulder as he spoke "In this 4 years you always ask me as to when she will regain consciousness.And everytime I'd to dishearten you."

"I wish,I could say something pleasant  which would give you happiness."The doctor consoled him.

That's all he can do right now.


After meeting the doctor when Abhinav came back into her room,Mrs.Braganza has gone by then.

He sat beside her head and keep staring at her for a long time.His eyes were reflecting his emotions.

"No matter what other say,I know you'll be fine  you'll come back to me.It may not be soon but that day will come for sure."He said ,breaking his long silence .

Though he said those words to her but the truth is he said those words to himself to encourage,to make himself brave.

The evening rolled off  and the night come.Abhinav is still in the hospital ,talking with her in her room.

"I'd a meeting this morning with a big corporate company."He said while arranging the liilies on flower vase which he had brought for her this morning.

"And you will be happy to know that I have cracked the deal."He said ,this time looking at her sleeping face,having a smug smile on his face .

He has done arranging the flower vase,So he sat back on his chair and continued.

"Dad was very pleased with me for it.He praised me a lot."

He kept on talking to her and when he feel sleepy ,he slept there;in her room on sofa.

Next day morning ....

Mrs.braganza came into the room for Amaira's morning check up.

When she entered ,she found him sleeping on sofa.She shook her head,having a smile on her face.

She closed the door and walked towards the bed.And the sound of her footsteps ,woke him.

He rose to a sitting position and rubbed his eyes briskly .

"Good morning,my son."Mrs.Braganza  wished, seeing him got up.

"Good morning,Mrs.Braganza."he wished her back,his voice sounded husky.

"Again you slept here!"She said while checking out Amaira's heartbeat on monitor screen.

"I was talking with her at night.I don't know when I fall asleep."He replied, smiling sheepishly while scratching the back of his head.

Mrs.Braganza chuckled lowly.

He grabbed his coat which was lying on sofa and walked towards the door.He is going for freshen up.Before going out of the room he turned at Mrs.Braganza.

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