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Skin so dark
it be like what the stars at night rest against
smile so bright
She sat in the daylight for too long so now she dark as night
yet it be a wonder how she glows
you see she a child at heart but she sit pretty like the moon
So They call her moon child
see her mama once loved a man whose skin as slick as oil over a rhythm blues sea
Now her mama
skin is light as day but when she made her wake in this world she was a mixture of both the moon
and the sun
A total eclipse they said
Whenever the lights went and all you see was her teeth
a mixture of forever being compared to chocolate
yet complaining of the bitterness the aftertaste holds
And just like her tongue it be like her mama
Yet they wonder how the center is soft
But the outside is hard
Like her skin
Encrusted with eczema
this skin has always been a conversation starter
Like the Cup of Jim Crow she was forced to swallow
so she scrubs her skin raw
And bleaches herself clean
As if this
Black Is the stain that follows her
Like the moon at night
When she was a child riding in the backseat
Of her mothers car.

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