Rain water

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When the heavens poured forth their waters
I watched as the sea started to rise above the horizon of her shoulders
Her shoulders I swear could move mountains
My mama is resilient
My sister is stubborn
And so is all the women in my blood
My blood is thick
After all it's had generations of dripping from root, to limb, to branch,to latch
From trees
to doctors offices
and your court rooms
So I had to grow a thick enough spine so that I didn't have to bend
And you roll your eyes
But I was tired of bending
Hunching over for freedom
Wishing the rain would come while some sang a song
The women before me crawled
so that I could walk
So I could carry the weight of their voices
After all only the rain has stopped my tears
And the night only carries my worries
And I dream of a sunny day
While my ancestors prayed for rain
With mountains of worry
With burdens on their shoulders
Carrying the world on their backs
Using their spines as clutches
Gasping for air
Oppression crushing their throats
Sinking in the deep end
All while praying
In troubled waters
And drowning .

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