Ch 10 Richness could be dangerous-1

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I would be more then happy to correct any illogical scenario, grammatical mistakes or any other suggestion.


"Frog" He said. I laughed "But you don't seem disappointed?"

"I didn't know then that frogs could be so powerful" he said

"So, how did you find your beast?" I asked.

He smiled and said embarrassingly "that you know, although I am powerful but I couldn't beat other two."

I said "I heard, You are not just losing but simply defeated in 5-6 seconds. It's really embarrassing to have so much gap between team mates"

His expression became awkward. He said "So, one night after training. I was trying to summon some beast. I learned about it from 3rd hokage's scroll. But instead, I got reverse summoned to their place. That's how I signed with my beast"

"Oh, that's what is called protagonist's aura" I muttered. Because I learned that, reverse summoning is very dangerous. It could land you on a complete unknown land among dangerous species.

"Well,.. see I told you that my prediction are 70-90% correct" I again lied to him "You know, I found a scroll which I think from monks in the temple".

Jiraya was stunned for a moment but then he didn't care. He still don't believe me.


Later in night, I was lying in the bed. I was thinking what I have been doing these past 9 years. I came to this world. What is my purpose? or am i still in a weird dream? But it's so real. When I get injured, it really hurts like hell.

I tried to practice but later came to know that not everyone could become protagonist/hero who everyday try to save the world.

Over the last 9 years, so many emotional ups and down happened. One thing I am persistent about is my discipline. I still daily run, meditate, practice sword and try every way to make myself stronger. Although, my strength isn't increasing much but i know that ninja system isn't for me any more.

For future, now i have two paths. Either i go to iron country for warrior path or temple to become monk. I am going to reject monk because for that i have to spend years in the temple. And i am not sure even if i become monk, will they share secret with me.

So, the only choice is warrior. Atleast i should spend some time in that country to learn kendo(swordsman). I heard there are warriors who have strength to compete with White Fang(kakashi's fathers nickname). His strength is best after hokage-level ninja, which is quite good.

There's another way, that is gene implantation. But for that i need technology(medical + scientific) and lots of money. Orochimaru is still a child and I don't think that i myself have talent to perform those human black technology experiments. So, this method still left for future.

I have tried to maintain relationship with Jiraya-trio. Jiraya could help me with understanding natural chakra. Orochimaru in some scientific ways and he also knows a lot about natural chakra. Tsunade have political power,medical and seals(ninjutsu knowledge). She could provide the most help but her status is different. So I have to be content being friends with civilian Jiraya. And i hope to maintain some relationship to Tsunade through him. That's why i try to make a facade that i could predict future.

Only if any of three could remotely suspect that i really could predict future. Then i think that i am successful. Didn't people in past life who don't believe in superstition but they still once in a while pay tribute to god. Spend money on lucky charm. Went to astrologist who try to predict their future or solve current problems.

So for me, it doesn't matter that people believe that i could predict future. I just want to gain some benefit(ninjutsu secrets) from people who started to believe in my prediction ability. I do this because I learned money could buy a ninja's life but not ninjutsu. I can never buy some secret ninjutsu, seal or any supernatural knowledge because It is highly confidential.

When Orochimaru will establish contract with snake, then atleast trio should feel surprised and have suspicion about my ability to predict future. Then, I think half of my goal will be reached.


Another two months passed.

I received quite a lot of money from writing books. There are no wars from last couple of years. Economy is quite good. Number of ninjas are way too much then the later period. So, my books got good attention among ninjas.

Majority of people still don't know who wrote the book. So, many people still thinks that i am poor. I think high elders in village should have my information because jiraya trio also have read the books. Jiraya's contribution was also significant when i wrote some fighting scenarios.

I was sitting as usual on my stall. It became a habit of mine or relaxing time. Although i don't need this small extra money anymore. But i reduced the hours for opening time for stall. And increased time for meditation.

I was working on painting of some lady customer. Then i heard a voice "Hey, I heard, You become quite rich".

I looked up, it was Tsunade. I was surprised because neither orochimaru or tsunade ever talked to me on their own.

But then, after hearing I felt a little proud. Although, my expression never changed like a dead fish. I straighten my back a little. At my age, I could simply issue around 20 S-Class ninja mission. So, you could imagine my wealth.

"Have you prepared, your will or guarantor who will inherit it in case something happened to you" she asked again.

I thought i heard it wrong. I don't think our friendship reached the point where we could curse each other or make satirical dialogue. Then, I looked again. From her expression, I felt she was talking very seriously.

"Oh, why?" I asked a little concerned.

To be continued.....

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