Ch-22 Entering Dojo-1 (First Test)

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I would be more then happy to correct any illogical scenario, grammatical mistakes or any other suggestion.


I hurriedly reached the dojo's gate. I entered inside. From the looks of it, I didn't get any extraordinary feeling. But there was a board hanging there. That says "Math Teacher Needed".

From the last fight with bandits, my control over sensing capabilities has increased a lot. I can sense if other person is very powerful or not. This ability helps me by start giving some sort of warning to my brain.

As I walked further in, I saw some kids were studying something and others were practicing basic kendo hacking.

I looked around but I didn't find anyone powerful that caught my attention.

Then suddenly, someone tapped my shoulder from behind with a sheath. I turned around, I saw a guy around 15 year old was standing a little far from me. He had a very long sword with a plane scabbard.

When i looked at him, my hair got straight. I felt very dangerous just standing there.

I don't know who this guy is, but my senses tells me that he is very strong. Although till now, I have already met some powerful characters but they never directed hostility towards me. So, I never knew what it would feels like to face hostility from a powerful person.

This is the first time, I felt this weak. I think, he could cut me in a single slash.

Then, suddenly I heard-"Are you a challenger?"

I said, "wha..t?..chall..." I stopped in midway. From the looks of it, if I said yes then I think something bad will happen to me. I said hurriedly " came here for admission".

He said,"Oh,.." and all the pressure faded away.

Then he pointed me to a direction.

I started walking towards the admission counter. Although my back was full of sweat but I felt happy. I think, I have found the right dojo.

Because till now, It was just my assumption that instructor in a central city, should be a powerful character. I still had doubt initially that what will i do if later, I found the instructor not that powerful.

But now, I have no worry. I would still be okay because I could always learn something from powerful students like the one I just met.

At the admission desk, a 12 or 13 year old person was sitting there. I started to wonder that how much this world has changed me.

I started to refer 12 year old boy, a person not kid. Because people here get married at 12 or 13 specially samurais. Even 90% ninjas get married between 14-17 year old. Because of this, in my mental dictionary, I also started to consider people after 13-14 year old as adults.

High mortality rate due to constant war and importance of leaving behind lineage. This concept is what lead to this early marriage in this world.

I filled the application and gave to the person sitting there. Then, he showed me 5 basic kendo actions. He told me to perform these actions 50k times each. And also, I have to complete it in 3 days.

I felt very anxious initially because i didn't know what would be the criteria to enter here. Till now, all the other dojos I have visited have rejected me or don't teach advance stuff to the outsiders.

After hearing about content of first test, I felt relaxed and little surprized. Because test is too simple. But I guess, second stage should be difficult.

Then I went to the testing site. I picked up a wooden sword and start swinging.


On the other side of dojo,.

There was a open classroom. Kids from 5-12 year old were sitting on the ground. They were all reading the same book. Teacher is sitting on the opposite side with a table and chair.

Surprisingly, the teacher is only 14 year old. He was busy correcting answers submitted by students. Teacher looked like a very weak scholar but two swords were also laying beside him.

Teacher said very gently, "next".

A kid of around 7 year old stood and went near the teacher's desk. He asked "Yes, Sensei?"

Teacher : "You did a good job. Now you can almost correctly do all the financial calculations."

Student: "Sensei, will I be able to get job in some rich family?" then he sighed.."Father's crop failed last year. I want to earn money as soon as possible and support my family".

Teacher smiled and tussled his hair. "Don't worry too much. You will graduate in 6 months at this rate. Then, you will definitely be able to help your family."

Student: "yes, Sensei" then he collected his notebook. "Sensei, may I ask a question? I have always been curious about this kendo class admission test."

Teacher:"okay, you can ask."

Student: "Sensei, don't you think that doing just basic kendo action 50k times is too easy a test."

Teacher laughed : "yes, it is easy but also not easy."

"First, if you take one second for one swing, then for 50k you have to spend atleast 14hr approx. And for 5 actions 70hr. In three days, you have only 72hr.

So, It tests that you have basic superhuman strength."

Student : "But samurai's kids from clans are very powerful. Shouldn't they all will be able to pass this test? But they still failed why?"

Teacher: "Oh, here is an interesting part of this test. This test also questions your ability to concentrate." While laughing teacher said "How many of people would not make mistakes while counting 50k swings five times."

Teacher continued and said "And third, it checks the honesty of the samurai. As a human, we tend to lie. Sometimes they have completed 49,999 or approx 50k but not exactly. They will think that nobody is watching and tell us that they have completed the first test."

"So, this test is very simple but effectively eliminates majority of the people."

"Let us see if this new entrant can pass the first test or not"


Little did he knew that for Kouske, concentration was his strong suit. His daily meditation have improved his memorizing and concentration power very high.

To be continued..........

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