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Alec's POV

"Shit! God dammit." I yelled as I fell off my bed. I got up and checked my phone. 7:30. " Fuck I'm going to be late to the bus. I quickly put on my ripped skinny jeans and a black shirt, thew my Convers on.  Before I left I made sure to grab my phone, hoodie and backpack. I ran out the door halfway to the bus stop I saw it dive away. "Fuck." I sighed and started walking towards the school. 'looks like its going to rain.' I thought my self. As I was walking I saw a boy get pushed out of a car. He had blonde hair and brown eyes. He was wearing a band shirt with some jeans. He got up and I think he saw me. He started walking towards the school and he was bleeding. Oh by the way I'm half vampire.

Coles POV

Yet a nother day of getting chucked out of my moms car thanks dad.  I hope my cut didn't open if they did I'll just fix them in the bathroom at school then go to class if I don't get going now I'll be at least a few minutes late. As I got up I saw him. I've seen him around school before but I've never really had the chance to talk to him. I think his name is Alec but Im not to sure about that. I got up and started walking towards school then my are stated to hurt.  'dammit they opened that's just going to make me more late then I already am fuck.' I thought to myself as I walked into the building. I went straight to the bathroom and found an empty stall. I pulled up my sleeve and took the old bandages off then cleaned up the cut and rewrapped them when I was done I heard the bathroom door open. "Omg the new kid is a total freak. Did you see his arms all cut up and shit?" "Yha and when the teacher asked him where there from he was all like 'its none of your damm business.'  he's a total weirdo but I think we can get to bully him like we do that Cole freak." Just then my phone went off. They went quiet for a second. "Maybe we should leave." the door opened but I knew damm well that they didn't leave they never do it's the same thing over and over again. Every time I get tossed out of the car my cut open then I come in hear to wrap them they would come in talk shit then because I forget to turn my phone off I get cought and beat tell they're bored. But this time was different instead of me getting my ass handed to me it was acutely them that got beaten and not my me.

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