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Alec's pov

When I woke up I was lying in a bed and Cole was next to me. What the fuck happen? Wait am I naked?? I pulled off the blanket to see I was still in my clothes form yesterday. Wait what happened yesterday. All I remember is him letting me have.... Fuck that's bad that's really bad why would I let him now he could tell the school and I could get killed or worse he could get killed. Fuck what is wrong with me. He human im not that could get us both killed and now that I've tasted his blood I'm not going to want to leave him. "Mmm~" I looked over to see Cole move in his sleep. Hes so cute when hes asleep. I could feel myself blush. I need to get out of this house and away from him. I went out to the living room to make something to eat. "Morning sunshine......" "Luke?! What the fuck are you doing here? How did you get in? And why are you wearing my shirt?" Luke is my ex and I thought I had gotten rid of him. "Well you see there's this thing called mating and well you know I've kinda fucked you once before." "Dont remind about that. And give me my shirt back then get out." I really wanted to punch him then I heard something from behind me. "Ohhhh well what do we have here? A human and here I thought you could do so much better although he is cute." "Who is that?" Cole asked sounding tried. "Hes my ex, Luke, also could you please just go I'll take care of this." Cole looked at me then walked over to me and rested his head on my shoulder. Luke smerked then took off my shirt. "Well I guess I'll leave you love birds. Toddels." He walked out. I turned to face Cole who's face was red. I smiled, "Your cute when you blush." I put my hand on his cheek then kissed his forehead. "Didnt you say that yesterday?" He said as I walked away. "Maybe." I smerked knowing that I had left him blushing. "Do you think its safe to go back to school?" He said as he walked over to where Luke had dropped my shirt. I sighed, shaking my head "Probably not. I did hit those kids to even my own surprise but we both could get in trouble and I'm not trying to get expelled my first day." He walked over and put his hand on my shoulder "Maybe your right but we can't stay here forever. I mean won't your parents..." He passed as he noticed my face. "Wait. Fuck, I'm sorry I-I didn't mean to...." "Its fine don't worry about it." He looked at me. "Alec?" "Hmmm" he went quit for a moment then spoke. "Yesterday when I gave you my blood to drink, did something happen with that? Or am I just going insane. I feel like ive known you for forever and....." I cut him off by kissing him. When I pulled away his face was cherry red "Cole I don't know what happen after that but all I know is I want you and i want to keep you safe that includes helping you stop cutting yourself."

Coles pov

"I-I, umm, okay." He smiled then kissed me again. When we pulled away I could feel myself blush even more then I already was. "Hey. I love you." He looked at me smiling and i could tell he was blushing too. "I love you too." He put one of his hands on my cheek then pulled me closer with the other one. "I promise on my life that you will be safe no matter what it takes. You've entered a fucked up world by loving me and if you got hurt I wold be really posses. Your mine now dont forget that." I nodded. Alec smiled kissed my for head then he walked to make something to eat. What the fuck did we just kiss???? But I cant like guys I've never liked guys why is he??? Ugh this is so confusing. What if my parents find out I'll be dead in a matter of minutes. Shit this is not good. I was snapped back into reality by Alec who put his arms around my waist. "You okay?" I guess he could tell something was wrong. "Not really." "What's wrong?" He smiled. "I just I've never really liked guys but then I meat you and now its all so confusing. Like is this normal and what happens if my parents find out." He pulled me closer and looked me in the eyes. "Cole I remember making a promise to myself to keep you safe from anyone or thing that might hurt you and I'm not going to let anything happen to you if you need me I'll be right there all you have to do is call or text." He kissed my forehead. "Okay?" I nodded

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