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Persephone. A Greek goddess who persevered more than anyone. A goddess who literally went through hell and still keeps a smile, still keeps going.

And then there's me. I give up quickly. I give in to the challenges I face. I meet a new foster parent and stop caring about them before I can. They won't adopt me anyway.

Why did my mom name me Persephone? I'm not pretty. I'm not strong. I'm just.. me.

Maybe she named me after what she wanted me to be. Or maybe she was a big nerd.

I am sitting in class one in the fifth high school of this year, doodling on my desk. Gabriel comes into class late, sitting in his place next to me. "Sorry I'm late. My exam ran long."

Gabriel is my best friend and pretty much my brother. He's a foster kid like me and he makes sure to go to the same homes as me. He's all I've got now.

"Anything interesting happen so far, Seph?" He looks at me attentively.

"Not really," I mutter with a shrug. "Copper's been drilling World War 2 into our heads for the past twenty minutes." Mr. Copper is our government teacher. He's the most boring person I know.

"Well if you're that bored.." Gabriel takes out his cell phone, putting it on his lap and pressing the play button on his ringtone.

Copper looks up as his phone rings. Gabriel pretends to be embarrassed as he looks at the screen. "Oh.. it's my foster mom.." He looks up at Copper. "I need to take this."

Copper sighs heavily. "Go to the hallway." Gabriel nods, walking out and pretending to take the call.

After a few minutes pass, I raise my hand. "Yes, Miss Dean?"

"Can I go to the bathroom?" Copper stares at me for a moment. Then nods. "Thank you."

I get up and walk out. Gabriel is waiting for me. "I need to talk to you."

"Yeah?" I cross my arms.

"Not here," Gabriel says. He grabs my wrist and we walk down the hall and into a room I never noticed before. The room is small and nearly empty. He locks the door behind us.

I stare at him, confused and, honestly, a little scared. Gabriel turns to me. "Have you ever noticed that things happen when you imagine them and you really want them?"

"Like when everything fell in the vending machine when I tried to shake out my chocolate bar?" I pause. "Yeah?"

"That's all me," Gabriel says.

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, right."

"I'm not joking this time." Gabriel is more serious than normal. "I'm magical. I have abilities that you can't dream of."

I don't believe him. "Right. Can you make a pig fly?" I ask sarcastically.

"Not yet, but I can make a pig appear out of a piece of plastic," Gabriel chirps. He takes a plastic mechanical pencil out and holds it in his palm. Pink sparkles engulf the pencil. It turns into a piglet the size of my forearm. He holds it with both arms, smiling slightly. I stare, probably looking really stupid.

"Believe me yet?" He looks at me, hopeful.

"I.. I guess.." I don't know what else to say.

He smiles. "Good. I need you."

"Why?" I stuff my hands into my pockets. "If you can do anything, how come you need a normal person like me?"

Gabriel gives the piglet to me. "Because I'm in danger."

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