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Dear Jasmine

I know, my dear mistress, that you do not wish to speak with me at this time. However, I have important news you will definitely need to know!

You told us last month that you lost track of the Chosen, and that you desperately needed our help to find him again. Well, my dear mistress, I have gotten word from my brother in the mortal realm that he has been spotted in the streets of the mortal city of Dublin, in what they call California.

I must warn you that Gabriel is not alone. He is with a girl. My brother said that she does not have any recognizable magical signature. She is either completely powerless or... more powerful than anyone or anything we've ever encountered, aside from the Prophets.

No matter what she is, the girl is a threat to our cause. I will see to it that she is watched just as closely as the Chosen. I'm very sorry to disrupt your dinner

Your loyal servant,

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