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It was late at night when I woke up to noise downstairs. Gabe wasn't in bed. I came downstairs to find out what was happening. Gertrude was pinning Gabe down. She was the same black-haired lady from the vision Gabriel had given me the other day. A ball of orange magic was forming in her hands. She threatened to throw it at Gabe.

She was about to throw it at him when I thought quickly, taking one of the carvings from the shelf on the wall and chucking it at her. It hit her in the shoulder. She turned towards me, her hollow eyes glowing. I staggered backwards, too afraid to act anymore.

A fire suddenly set on her head. She screamed and tried to put it out. Gabe was holding out his hand, now standing, his eyes glowing softly. The fire spread over her. She disappeared, an orange pearl replacing her.

Gabe stomped on it. A black mist rose up and dissipated. "..What was that?"

"Which part?" He dusted himself off before going to me.

"The.. pearl thingy," I said, freezing up a little as he tucked some hair that hung in front of my face behind my ear.

"Gertrude's soul," he said simply.

I stared at him. "You.. crushed her soul?"

"There's no other way to get rid of them," Gabriel said. He paused. "We should get moving. It's time I return to my world."

I was silent for a moment. "..I'm going to miss you, Gabe."

"Miss me?" Gabe laughed. "Don't be silly, Seph! You're coming with me, you dork."

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