The big game

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"Ahhhhhhhhh" Sam screamed as we got out of the car " Jason freaking hot Parker wants my best friend to go out with him" she yells as we step out of the car.
"Hurry, im hungry" sam whines

once inside the studio I set up. I turn on the music so that we can stretch. 

soon its time to do the duets so i get in place. "You know id fall apart without you" the music begins as i glide across the floor, my partner lifting and spinning me at needed times. I find myself getting lost in the moves and forget about the people that are watching and its just me and him and the music. the next move sam likes to refer to as 'the death throw'. its where one dancer (me) is lifted in the air then tossed needing to stay focused so that they know where to perfectly land. eric, dance partner, lifts me then I'm tossed spinning once, then my named is called and i dumbly try to look. i fall down on my right leg then my face and it hurts.  "Crap" i scream as everyone comes around me. "Are you okay?" Erin asks me  "i cant feel my leg" i say pushing my self into a sitting position. "Oh umm where going to need a doctor" he says looking at my leg i look down to find that its my knee. My knee cap is shoeing and its not pretty. The next thing i remember is someone saying "here, i got her". 

I wake up to a room of flowers and teddybears. I smile to myself "babygirl your awake" i look over to my left and find my mom walking over from the chair. The room is all white and i look down to find my leg in a cast. "How bad is it??" She gives me a sad smile. 

Then the door opens and in walks non-thee than Jason parker. "How is she" he asks untill he notices im awake. He smiles and big boyish smile that melts me. "ill let yall ketch up" she winks at me then exits the room "hey, what are you doing here" i ask he looks over at me and smirks "i had wanted to ask you out friday but i just couldn't wait so i came to your studio to ask you instead"  i blush and do a bad job at hiding it cause he laughs "is someone blushing" he grabs my cheek and i slap his hand away. "don't you have practice all day" i ask sitting up in bed "nope, not until four". "so like i know sam said i wouldn't reject you but.. I've been in only one serious relationship and i don't know if I'm over it yet." he goes to one of the many teddybears and picks it up and brings it to me. Then gets another on "what are you doing" i ask as he puts another teddybear on the hospital bed. "dude I'm being serious i don't want you thinking that I'm actually ready to be in relationship" he puts the rest around me " I am helping you warm up to me" he says as he placed the last teddybear in my arms "sooooo" he turns and stares at me "is it working" i laugh and shrug as the bears go flying from my movement. he has placed all 15 around me outlining me like i used to do with chalk for Ron. "you haven't even given me a chance" he leans in and kisses my forehead i can feel my cheeks get warm as he whispers in my ear "i wont stop until your mine" he then leaves i lay there not knowing how to handle it all. 

People come and visit and say how sorry they are. Apparently i had surgery as soon as i came in this morning, i will not be able to dance for a long time. I cant even walk on it i must ride in a stupid wheelchair for the first whole week. Which sucks, the day passes and when morning comes we are packing to move me back home. Sam stayed the night so she is the one driving me everywhere. Got stuck with the job "i cant believe that i am missing the big game tonight" i pout on our way to the car "i know what about the party" she asks " its still going on, they will all come to the house after the game." She nods and we ride in silence. 
Finally time for the party i help set up as best as i can but its mostly just my mom and max. 

Max is my guy best friend i used to have a crush on, When we first met. He is the cute guy your parents want you to date. Has nerdy glasses but wears them amazingly. He's cute and all the girls love him, he is the untouchable guy. he has only dated one girl in high school and that all his choice. Its because he wants the perfect girl. I love him for that. 

"Talie" he yells from outside "what" he laughs "can you bring me a shirt i made a mess" i laugh and roll myself to Ron's room and grab one of his V-necks i go out onto the porch and find a shirtless max. I laugh to cover up the fact that I'm staring. He's not fully built but he's not not built. "How" i ask he laughs and holds up a red stained white shirt. "Punch" everyone starts showing up an hour later. We won the football game so everyone is hyped the main party is held out side then a few people are left mingling in the family room. "Hey" i turn to find Jason standing behind me "hi" i say lamely "so how long are you in that thing" pointing to my cast "idk a couple months" he nods and gets himself a drink "soo I've been meaning to ask you, and since we won tonight I'm feeling a little hopeful" he says stepping closer to me "Natalia Grace Harvey will you go out with me"

The Fight For HimOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora