Chapter 1 (Tisha)

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"You have to be the dumbest bitch alive if

you stay with the nigga after all of this!" I

bluntly admitted to my cousin who rested in a

hospital bed with no fucks given. What else was

I supposed to say to her? After all, she did leave

her family behind to be with this muthafucka

and now she was literally on her death bed

because of him! Was she really willing to die to

be with this nigga?!?!

    She passed a blank look before uttering the

words that broke my heart. "Antwan is my

husband Tisha. I have to stick by him." She

said while expressing this with so much honor

in her tone. By the way she displayed this I

could tell she was recovering quickly.

    But Those words...those words nearly

pierced my soul. How could the nigga that I

wanted so desperately, run off and marry my

BLOOD cousin?! How could he choose her over

me? She didn't have shit on me besides straight

A's in school. Who gave a fuck about that?!?!

I was the pretty one! I had a better body and

a fatter ass! I was made for him! Not this

square bitch Tierra!

    Was I wrong for envying the life she had?

Was I wrong for hating her because of Antwan?

I mean after all, she still had no clue that I had

fucked him. She still had no clue that I wanted

to keep fuckin him. Bad enough she didn't

know that I yearned for him probably more

than she did.

When it came down to him I'd forget she was

my cousin in heartbeat. Sometimes I saw her as

just another bitch on the streets. These feelings

were becoming unbearable to hide. Who was I

tryna fool?

Before I could respond to her heart

wrenching comment, the man himself was

approaching the room. He was looking sexy as

hell the way he always did.

He was wearing a white Ralph Lauren crew

neck sweater, clean white jeans with fresh Air

Force ones. His waves were brushed perfectly

with shine and his jewelry had been upgraded

from the last time I saw him. His hazel eyes

flashed at the sight of Tierra also known as my

weak ass cousin. They say a niggas pupils will

dilate when he's in love with a woman. This

was obvious. The way he looked at her was


He was holding a bouquet of red roses and a

giant teddy bear. Nigga didn't even look my

way before handing Tierra the flowers. He bent

down and began kissing her like an actor on a

nasty movie scene. As she placed her hand on

the side of his face I couldn't help but to notice

the fat rock on her left finger.

"Is it Valentine's Day already?!?!" I asked

with a strong sense of sarcasm. Both of them

responded at the same time. "It's our

anniversary!" They expressed with excitement.

Little did they know, it was going to be one hell

of an anniversary! I felt a little bitchy about

what I was going to do next, but not really.

    I sat at the edge of Tierra's bedside near her

feet. I displayed a sincere look of emotional

pain. "Guess it's probably not the right time to

tell you this." I said with my hand on my chest

before taking a big swallow. Tierra's expression

had changed from happiness to worry. "Tell me

what?" She asked with her eyes locked in on

my lips. "Your moms cancer got the best of her

and she didn't make it. Aunt Trina died last

month." I didn't mean to sound so nonchalant.

    Of course Tierra was like a new born as she

cried in Antwan's arms. He rubbed her soft

hair with comfort. "Baby calm down. You're

sick." He reminded her. He shot me a raw

glance. His gangsta mug told me he

disapproved of how I displayed this news.

    Let's be honest Tierra deserved to feel every

bit of the pain she caused. She had cut her

parents off to be with this nigga and even

neglected her brother. What about college? She

just up and left New York and said fuck it all!

Dumb broad didn't even get to say goodbye to

her mother.

    I couldn't stand and watch Antwan treat

Tierra like a baby any longer. Not to mention

his chilling mug that stayed locked in on me

made me uneasy. One thing I knew about him

was he played dirty as hell when it was time for


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