Chapter 5 (Tierra)

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    I sat on the sofa all morning til the sun came

up waiting on Antwan. He never stayed out this

late without notifying me.I knew something

wasn't right about this. And as pissed off as I

was he had better had been dead or in jail!

   Eventually I heard the sound of keys jingling

in the door. It could only be his ass. I thought.

I couldn't wait to grill him. He had me fucked


    He walked in lookin so defeated, but that

didn't stop me from being angry. "Where the

fuck were you?!?! You know it's 9 in the

morning! I been up sick worrying about your

ass!" I said. "Where were you?!?! And don't lie

to me!" I warned.

    To my surprise he was in defense mode when

he should of been on his knees begging me not

to leave his ass! "Tierra I got a lot going on and

I don't feel like doing this with you!" He yelled

back. I know my face was flushed with red. I'm

sure it was.

    "You think I give a fuck about what you feel

like doing?! Honestly I don't! You gonna tell

me where the fuck you were!" I yelled before

stomping my bare foot on the wood floor. His

response shocked the hell out of me. "I'm not

explaining shit until you tell me what

happened to my dope!" He expressed. "Dope?!"

What the fuck do you mean?!" He then

aggressively grabbed my shoulders and shook

me half to death while hollering at me. "My

fuckin dope came up short Tierra! You're the

only one who know where the stash be

yo!....Now if I don't come up with the other half

of this dope I could loose my fuckin life Tierra!

You been smoking dope Tierra?!?!" He shot.

Tears flooded my eyes as we stared at each

other. He had lost his mind. He knew better.

"Antwan why would I touch your dope?!?!

You know I don't do drugs. I barely smoke your

weed let alone your dope. And it may not be

the right time to admit this, but I'm pregnant

again Antwan!" I expressed as I cried.

    Finally he released my shoulders and took a

seat on the couch and rested his head in the

palm of his hands with his elbows rested on his

knees. "Fuuuuuccckkk." He said with an

agitated spirit. "Fuck T! Why you just now

tellin me this?" He questioned in a stressed out

way. "I just found out. I'm 5 weeks." I said

while whipping the tears from my face.

    He stood up from the sofa and walked over

to me. This time he approached me with a calm

demeanor. "I'm sorry babe. A nigga goin

through a lot and if I don't get that dope back

shit gone get ugly. Real ugly. That was the

Colombian mafia's dope and they want their

money." He confessed. I had no idea my

husband was even dealing with Columbian

mafia. He never told me everything he did in

the streets. This news was shocking and one

things for sure the Columbian mafia wasn't to

be fucked with.

What do you mean?" I asked worried. "What

about the other stash in New York babe? Don't

we still have a kilo out there?" I questioned. He

didn't respond when he gave me a look that

told me that stash was gone too.

He paced back and forth as he tried to

brainstorm. "They trusted me not to fail this

mission and I did!" He said battling himself. I

didn't know what to say.

He grabbed my face with both hands. "Tierra

you love me?" He asked with stress in his voice.

"Of course." I replied. "You my bitch for life?

That mean you'd do anything for me right?"

He questioned my loyalty. "What you need me

to do?" I asked. "I got a plan ma, but you can't

be scared." he told me. "When I'm with

you I'm never scared." I assured him. Our eyes

shared passion before he aggressively kissed

my lips. "That's what daddy needed to hear!

My wifey for life!" he said with relief.

Confidence over took him when he slapped

my ass cheek. "Go upstairs and put on

something real sexy and sophisticated. He

demanded before biting his bottom lip. The

way he looked at me made me weak. I gave him

one last kiss before doing what I was told.

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