Chapter 2 (Narrator)

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"She gotta go ma, I can't live like this!"

Antwan expressed while shaking Tisha's natted

up wig in his hand. After he saw the wig lying

in the dinning room floor he couldn't control

his frustrations. But, it wasn't just the nasty

wigs lying everywhere that he was tired of.

He couldn't stand Tisha's loud mouth,

disrespect for his wife, and her unclassy ways.

Not to mention the fact that Tisha was still

stuck on the bomb dick he let her taste years

before he decided to even comit to his wife who

was her very own cousin.

Antwan definitely had valid reasons why he

wanted her gone, but where was she going to

go? She had nowhere to go after being kicked

out of her so called boyfriends place. She was

the type that family stayed clear of and she had

no money. If it wasn't for Tierra she'd be out on

the streets probably turning tricks just to get


"Baby I understand where you're coming from,

but where is she going to go?" Tierra asked

with pity in her tone and a pitiful look on her

face to match it. "I will talk to her." She


"I don't care where she goes! What about all

the niggas she be fuckin?!?! She cant go with

none of them?!?! She got a host of nigga's, but

she can't call none of them for a place to stay?!"

He questioned with sarcasm before slamming

Tisha's wig in the nearest trash can.

Tierra knew that her husband was serious

about this matter and was on the verge of

kicking Tisha out of their mini mansion. She

agreed with her him, but felt that she

couldn't put her favorite cousin in the streets.

    On top of Tisha having nowhere to go, it was

a relief for Tierra having her around in some

sense. Tisha was the only family that she could

count on and Tierra needed her moral support

after loosing her baby and her mother.

    Tisha was a great person to have around

while Tierra was recovering from being

poisoned. Tierra was still in the dark about

what happened to Lea the same chic who

poisoned her. Also known as the same chic she

openly shared with her husband. Not knowing

how envious Lea was almost got Tierra killed.

    After the near death experience, Tierra was

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