Varian and Juliet

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Varian curled over on his cot and placed the threadbare pillow he had been allotted over his head in a vain attempt to plot out the noise. The guards at the end of the hall were routinely talking about something, anything, and everything, which irritated the young alchemist to no end.  He wasn't sure how much longer he could take the two of them going on and on about which candy at Monty's shop was the best.

He growled under his breath and bit his tongue to keep quiet. He knew better than to say anything, that would only irritate them and make them talk louder. He knew because he tried. Varian was sure that someone (Eugene most likely) had sure to place these two in front of his cell for that express purpose.

Six months of this and he hadn't yet been able to get one moment of decent rest. Dear God, it made him also sorry he gone after the royal family in the first place. Only almost, because he knew that Arianna and Fredrick and Cassandra and Eugene and Rapunzel and every person in this stinking kingdom deserved what he had done. Deserved more. Because while they were punishing him for his very justified crimes, they still ignored his dad's fate in Old Corona.

He bitterly turned over in his wooden bed and attempted to find a cool, comfortable spot to lay down, his friend Rudiger the Racoon curling up at the end of the bed and snoring gently. All too soon, his thick raven hair was sweaty again and he just wanted to crawl out of his skin out of discomfort and annoyance.

When was his sentence up again?

"Not soon enough," he thought to himself.

This cycle went on for many hours, as it was the routine for everyday of his life or at least it was shaping up that way. Varian was just about to start his daily begging for the sweet release of death when the two guards silenced. He looked up in surprise at the abrupt lack of sound; his pillow fell onto the dusty cobblestone floor beneath him. He knew that he would pay for that with sneezing and coughing later but he really didn't care.

They were quiet. He smiled to himself when he saw them exit the iron door at the end of the hall with a third guard and made motion to lie back down in earnest, hoping wishfully that he could hopefully get a peaceful moment's rest.

He snuggled deep into his recently retrieved pillow and tried to ignore the dust he was breathing in his noise and splinters poking at his sides. But it didn't matter – it was quiet and peaceful and for once he could get just one minute of rest.

"You have to believe me!"

"Oh, what now?" Varian thought to himself, bolting straight up in frustration. Just when he thought might be able to be left alone.

"I'm not lying!" The voice was louder now, this time easily identifiable as female and in distress. It was getting closer and he could hear the sounds of a slight struggle as well.

From the door came several guards holding tight onto a young girl roughly the same age as him, a distressed downturn to her lips.

"Rapunzel, please!" she called hopelessly to the open door, and Varian felt a seed of anger blossom at the idea that the princess was right behind that door. If she was, she didn't appear at the girl's words. "Rapunzel!"

The guards came over to Varian's cell even as the girl yelled bloody murder and unlocked the steel bar door, which he regarded with a raised eyebrow. Were they planning to throw her in here with him? Oh goodie, a cellmate! He just couldn't wait for another annoyance.

The door swung open and the girl was thrust inside once her handcuffs were removed, and she fell onto her knees and palms with a grunt. The door swung shut with a clang and she turned around to face the guards helplessly as they filed out of the room.

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