The Gangs All Here

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"So you're back, for good this time. Right?" Desperation drips from the poor boy's lips.

"Letter." A broken-heart plunged deeper down into the chest. She was never for the mushy-gushy stuff. The forced discussion is ended as the letter is passed to her, like that she's up off the bench morphing back into the crowds of the city. Letter shoved recklessly into her pocket. He knew that his hopeful thoughts were thin, but the brisk autumn wind still stings crisper. One breath into the gut and the next second back to reality.

Four o'clock on a Saturday afternoon regular crowd rushing in. Showtime as the clock chimes what one must do to make a single dime. "Ah, Gary glad to know you're still alive pal."

"Liver hasn't fought back yet."

"That's one way to think of it." Gary grumbles but his retort is cut short, as she walks in my gaze drifts directly to her. Stearn jaw, leather jacket, tell-tale signs of the one and only Harlow Monley. The light hitting her chestnut brown hair perfectly.

"Try not to drool too much Ellis."

"I have no idea what you're talking about, old man." Despite my better judgement I walk up to her. "You're here."

"Wasn't really a choice, was it?" Storming down the hall, through the bookcase, and down the stairs with me trailing after her. "Hello dipshits, I'm at your service to get you out of your new mess." The guys shift around, in the end they can't disagree. She was always the brains and leader of the group until Torin dared to test her position.

"This was a terrible idea Ellis. I'm not stooping this low." Torin says practically spitting in her face, they're nose-to-nose staring each other down.

"Torin, man I think you've lost your say of the group now you can either get out or sit down and shut the fuck up." Renly says coming to my aid. He doesn't talk much scaring the shit out of me when he actually does. "We shall vote all in favor say, I. I."





Lastly a pitiful whimpering "I" comes from Torin's throat, everyone is agreed, time to get down to business.


Suggestions and comments welcome, first time writing on wattpad

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