A Dark Detective Mystery

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*** This is your one and only warning that this is no pretty mystery and it's up to you wether you read on or not.*** 

                  It was a dark and gloomy day as I strolled down the street in the rain. My black umbrella propped open and my new black dress coat on. It had been awhile since I had since I'd seen a case so terrible so gruesome that nobody dared to go outside, jittery children constricted indoors. Mrs. Blundermen had seen it first when she went out to water her flowers unusually early. A man no more than thirty hanging on electrical wire between the telephone poles at the end of her block. Shrieking she had called the cops right away. She hadn't cared to note the surroundings or who she suspected the man to be, making this case nettlesome. 

                According to friends and family, Joseph Baker was a good man whom everyone liked, although I highly doubt that. This definitely was not a suicide the shock along from touching the wire would've automatically sent him falling into his grave. What was he so wrapped up in that he was taken from his wife and three kids? 


Sorry yes I know this one is short but I wasn't sure if it was worth delving into

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