Chapter One ~ Stella Lupin

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Chapter One ~ Stella Lupin

"Yvonne, are you almost ready?  We need to get to the platform!" yelled Stella Lupin as she brushed her bangs off to the side on her forehead.  She was holding her trunk in her hand, both her impatience and excitement shining through her chocolate brown eyes.  Her sandy hair was pulled back into a ponytail so it wasn't in her face, save for the bangs, which kept falling into her eyes, much to her annoyance.

"I'm coming!" the supposed twenty-nine year old yelled back as she descended the steps, her blonde curls bouncing on her shoulders.  "Jeez, such impatience," Yvonne teased, her sapphire eyes sparkling humourously at Stella, who narrowed her eyes as a smirk played upon her lips.

"I wouldn't be talking if I were you.  Do you remember that poor waiter?" she asked, looking ready to go into more detail on the waiter, but Yvonne's smile had dropped as she scowled at the young Lupin.

"That was different!" snapped the blonde.  "Now grab your stupid trunk so I can get rid of you, you little nuisance!"

A grin formed on Stella's face, "You liar."

The angered woman sent her a glare, but said nothing as she stomped out of the house, only proving Stella right, eliciting a laugh out of the fifteen year old.  "Shut up!"  Yvonne called from outside, only resulting in louder laughs from Stella as she carried her trunk out to the car.

Yvonne was grumbling under her breath as Stella chuckled the entire ride to the station, where Stella piled all of her things on to a trolley and pushed it to the barrier located between platforms nine and ten.  Glancing around to make sure that there weren't any muggles around to see, Stella swiftly walked through the barrier, counting on Yvonne to follow behind her shortly.

She looked around eagerly, hoping to catch sight of a head or two of black hair when...

"STELLA!"  Rose's voice rang out from the crowd off to the left of her, somehow above everything else going on on the chaotic platform as families said their farewells.  "OI!  MISS LUPIN!"

Stella turned and smiled at her beaming friend, who was rushing towards her, not paying any mind to those she ran into along the way.  Rosalind Potter was looking as good as always, with her black hair in it's usual messy french braid and her hazel eyes shining brightly with anticipation.

"Hey, Rose," said Stella casually, despite her excitement at seeing her friends again.  She wanted to irk Rose, as she had made tradition since they first met.

Rose narrowed her eyes as she came to a stop.  "It's not going to work, Lupin.  I see right through you, and I happen to know that you are ecstatic to see me and Kat again."

"I believe you mean 'Kat and I'," corrected Stella, holding back a smirk as irritation flitted through her raven-haired friend's eyes.

"Stop being a prat," she snapped, obviously before she could stop herself, as her eyes widened before she glared at Stella, who was feeling quite pleased with herself and the record she had just broken.  "Oh, shut it.  Now, speaking of Kat, have you seen her yet?"

"No," replied Stella eventually, stifling laughter at the not-so-subtle change in subject.

Rose opened her mouth to say something else, but whatever it was was lost as another voice cut them off.  "Aren't you forgetting something?"  Yvonne.

Mischief Not-Quite-Managed (Currently being revised and edited to the extreme)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora